Actor takes office as security guard – Tamil News


The actor Savi Sidhu of Bollywood, who worked for Gulaal and Black Friday of Anurag Kashyap, left his acting career and took a job as security officer in because of the deterioration of financial conditions and health.

The actor explains the difficulties he has faced in recent years, starting with the degradation of his health that has derailed his career in the film industry. He stifles and holds back tears when he mentions how much the death of his mother, father, in-laws, followed by the death of his wife last year, upset and hurt emotionally. He adds that watching a movie is more than a dream for him because he can no longer afford a movie ticket.

Despite the difficulties, Savi Sidhu is brave towards the end and declares that he hopes to be able to do it. Back in the film industry one day when he will have enough money saved to meet directors and producers. The heartbreaking video will also make you realize your dreams.

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