Jon Snow meets Ghost in Game of Thrones finale, fans cry


Warning: This post contains annotations for the Game of Thrones Finale . If you do not want to know what's going on, stop reading!

Dark battle scenes with arches of apparently useless characters of certain characters, The Game of Thrones had its fair season share of complaints. But the most controversial moment was undoubtedly Ghost's farewell to Ghost's episode 4, when he sent the werewolf to live with Tormund and the wildlings without making any noise.

Well, if you could not imagine that Jon and Ghost would never see each other again after this informal adieu, you probably loved Game of Thrones final ! At the end of the episode, our new king, Bran "The Broken", sends Jon to the wall to make peace with supporters of Daenerys Targaryen (Jon killed Dany, after all). This seems like a rather dark sentence … until Jon arrives and that he is reunited with Tormund Giantsbane and a group of other savages. Best of all, Ghost is here too!

Ghost could have give Jon the cold shoulder after this terrifying goodbye, but he did not do it, he is delighted to see it. In one of the most moving scenes of the finale – and I'm not even a person who loves dogs! -, Jon finally gives to his puppy. I had tears in my eyes and, judging by the reactions on the social networks, other fans did the same. Some said it was the most satisfying moment of all the finals.

Why are the reunions of Jon and Ghost so moving? This is not just the basic notion of a man who sees his dog again; it's the comfort of knowing that our hero, Jon Snow, will be happy in his new life. Looking at it, we had the impression that Jon really belongs to the Beyond the Wall, as Tormund said.

Here's How Game of Thrones Fans reacted to the meeting of Jon and Ghost:

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