A 16-year-old girl dies of a toxic bacterium found at the tampon


A 16-year-old girl in British Columbia died of toxic shock syndrome related to her use of tampon, a found coroner.

Sara Manitoski was found dead during a school trip in March 2017 near Vancouver Island.

Her friends left the cabin that morning for breakfast thinking that she was still sleeping, but when they came back she was still in bed and her alarm was extinguishing. Staff and students, as well as emergency responders, attempted to practice CPR on Manitoski but she did not recover.

More than a year later, the coroner determined that she had died of toxic shock syndrome of the Staphylococcus aureus strain. a tampon that was in his body. The report says that she also had other signs of TSS, but notes that tampons are not the only cause of the bacterial infection.

  Sara Manitoski

Sara Manitoski

Sara Manitoski / Facebook

"We know that there is an badociation, and again, it is very rare," said Dee Hoyano, Medical Health Officer of Island Health, at CTV Vancouver Island. "We certainly know that a person must have this bacteria especially to get sick, and there may be something with the use of tampons, perhaps prolonged use of tampon, which increases the risk of developing a more widespread infection. "

is extremely rare – in 2016, there were only 40 cases reported in the United States, and about half Were not related to menstruating women, told PEOPLE Dr. Mary Jane Minkin, an obstetrician from Yale University and a member of PEOPLE's Health Squad.

But when the TSS occurs, it develops from toxins already present in the body.

"The first re is badl colonization with S. aureus strain which can produce the toxin; the second is the production by S. aureus of the toxin; the third is the penetration through the badl epithelium of enough toxin to cause the disease; and the fourth is a lack of adequate titers of the neutralizing antibody for the toxin, "said Dr. JoAnn Pinkerton, executive director of The North American Menopause Society at PEOPLE

and younger women are more sensitive to 19659002] "Younger women are more likely to have SST, perhaps because of greater exposure through tampons or the use of barrier contraceptives", said Pinkerton. "It may also be because they have not yet developed the antibodies."

To reduce the risk of developing TSS, Pinkerton and Minkin recommend 39, swap buffers every two or three hours and avoid sleeping during the night.Also, it is best to use buffers with low absorbency to reduce drought, and to switch between tampons and tampons.

However, Minkin stated that Women should not be too worried

. , "she says." The bad staphylococcal organisms are unfortunately worn by us, not the tampons. I therefore encourage all women to pay attention to their health, but do not worry. "

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