A 2-year-old dies of HIV / AIDS in Zamboanga


CITY OF ZAMBOANGA – The death of a two-year-old child in this city because of the immunodeficiency syndrome acquired by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV / AIDS) alarmed those responsible local health because it meant that the disease had already affected the population. 19659002] The toddler, who caught the virus from one of the parents, was already considered a person living with HIV / AIDS.

"This is alarming because it means that HIV / AIDS is no longer in typical badual transmission mode. but has already touched the general population, "said Dr. Kibtiya Uddin, deputy health officer of the city.


" We have pregnant women and children under 15 identified today with HIV / AIDS, "she said.

By "population in general," Uddin means that all segments of the population, regardless of gender and age, are already affected, she said. She added, however, that 99% of the cause of HIV / AIDS transmission was still due to badual activity.

The HIV registry of the city's municipal health bureau indicated that there were two pregnant women clbadified as living with HIV / AIDS. AIDS, and two other children aged 6 and 7 who had been affected. Two other cases are still being verified.

The two infected children contracted their mother's virus.

"We do not know the nutritional status of these two children, but we are studying it. We will try to do something to prolong their lives, "said Uddin.


The number of HIV / AIDS cases in the city of Zamboanga has increased to 433 since 1995. Seventeen people died in 2017, the highest number in a single year

Uddin also spoke of the alarming increase in the number of cases among minors and adolescents. found 134 cases among young people aged 15 to 24.

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