A former heavyweight hitter from Google charged with recovering Apple in the game of AI – BGR


It has become a little bit conventional to think that Apple is lagging behind its peers in AI technology. That products like Siri have been released early enough to give Apple what should have been a good advance, but similar offers from companies like Google and Amazon are more useful than Apple's tools – and they're not. improve every day.

We will save the "why" of all this, privacy and learning issues about users in a comprehensive way over time, for another post. What is ironic, however, is that John Giannandrea, was responsible for artificial intelligence, research and Google search teams, from all places. Giannandrea spent eight years there, and during his stay he pushed to make AI a centerpiece in products like Gmail and Google Assistant. And that is Giannandrea who now runs a new unit at Apple – a unit that has combined AI efforts and machine learning from the company, confirmed the company.

One could argue that Apple had no choice, that she needed someone with Giannandrea cuts himself to end up where he has to to be in the AI ​​game. According to his official Apple bio, his title is the head of machine learning and AI strategy, and he reports directly to CEO Tim Cook

"John joins Apple in 2018 and oversees the strategy for artificial intelligence and machine learning. The company and technology development Core ML and Siri, "his biography reads.

Before his time at Google, Giannandrea co-founded two technology companies, Tellme Networks and Metaweb Technologies. And before that, he was a senior engineer at General Magic.

How much progress it can make as part of Apple's overall philosophy regarding data and user privacy – it will be interesting to see if all of this can coexist successfully. Apple's guidelines mean that it has not collected tons of data about users like other companies, at which machine learning and algorithms can be applied and extract the same level only in a company like Google.

The story that appeared in the tech press in the wake of Apple making Giannandrea's new mandate is clear: it's Apple making up for lost time.

TechCrunch for example, points to the digital badistant of Apple for a bit of context. "The risky way that Siri has taken a step forward must be smoothed if Apple is going to make a huge game of improvements in the same way as it is done with Maps." I think at a certain point it It was realized that doing heavy training (AI / machine learning) with the added burden of preserving the confidentiality of user data was enough to carry without having to maintain several different stacks for its tools (machine learning). [ad_2]
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