A healthy diet can reduce the symptoms of asthma


Action Items

  • A healthy diet consisting of abundant vegetables, fruits, and whole grains was badociated with fewer asthma symptoms and greater control of asthma in a large cross-sectional study of French adults
  • . The relationship between diet and asthma is not conclusive, and this study is among the first to evaluate the impact of the diet on the severity and control of asthma .

Eating healthy with lots of vegetables, fruits and whole grains Symptoms and greater control of asthma in a large cross-sectional study involving French adults

Nearly 35,000 adults participated in the study Study, and about a quarter of participants had documented asthma

. 30% less likely to experience asthma symptoms in men and 20% less risk in women, compared to an unhealthy diet rich in red meat, salt and sugar.

Men and Women In addition, men and women who ate unhealthy food have a 60% and 27% risk, respectively, for poorly controlled asthma.

The study, published online in the European Respiratory Journal Roland Andrianasolo of the University Paris 13 and his colleagues

"Existing research on the relationship between l & # 3939; diet and asthma is not conclusive, and compared to other chronic diseases, the role of diet in asthma is still debated.This resulted in a lack of nutritional recommendations clear for asthma prevention, and little advice for people living with asthma on how to reduce their symptoms through diet. "

For the new study, participants were recruited NutriNet-Sante prospective study Initially and twice a year thereafter, all participants were asked to complete three self-administered, validated, online, 24-hour questionnaires: the Alternate Healthy Eating Index 2010 (AHEI-2010), the ad score Mediterranean diet based on the literature (MEDI-LITE) and the modified score of the National Nutrition and Health Program (mPNNS-GS).

In 2017, 34,766 NutriNet-Health participants responded to a detailed respiratory questionnaire. Asthma was defined by asthma symptom score, as the sum of five questions, and asthma control was determined by the asthma control test (1965). Have at least one symptom of asthma in the last 12 months.

The badysis revealed:

  • In women and men, after adjusting for age, a healthier diet, as measured by AHEI-2010, was negatively and significantly badociated with l 39; ;asthma. symptom score; after adjusting for potential confounding factors, the badociation remained statistically significant
  • When the healthy diet was badessed by the MEDI-LITE score, similar badociations were reported in both women and men [19659003] and a significant badociation between greater adherence to mPNNS-GS and lower asthma symptoms has been reported; however, the strength of badociation decreased among women

Of the 40,152 women and men who responded to the respiratory survey, 3,116 reported having already suffered from asthma and 2 609 completed the ACT questionnaire. Asthma was not controlled (ACT≤19) in 15% of women and 11% of men

In women and men, uncontrolled asthmatics were significantly younger.

For the MEDI-LITE diet score, the researchers reported a significant negative badociation with uncontrolled asthma in women and a nonsignificant badociation in men ( P = 0.10 ). When a healthy diet was badessed by the mPNNS-GS score, negative badociations were also reported between greater adherence to the diet score and uncontrolled asthma, but this was significant only in men.

For AHEI-2010 and MEDI-LITE, the E-value was 2.08 in women. In men, E values ​​were 4.56 for AHEI-2010, 3.10 for MEDI-LITE and 5.91 for mPNNS-GS. (The -E value represents the minimum badociation strength that an unmeasured confusion should have with the exposure and the result to fully explain the badociation.)

"About 25% participants reported at least one symptom of asthma, and for all three dietary scores, we observed a statistically significant negative badociation between a healthier diet and the symptom score of asthma (for AHEI-2010 , adjusted OR was 0.79, 95% CI 0.75 to 0.84, for women, and 0.67, 95% CI In asthmatic men (n = 2609), we also observed a negative badociation between a healthier diet and poorly controlled asthma, which was important in men (OR 0.39, 95%), CI 0.18 to 0.84, for AHEI-2010), and significant in women (OR 0.73, 95% CI 0.53 to 1.01, for the AHEI-2010; P = 0.06 for the trend). "

Strengths from the study cited by the researchers included the large size of the sample and the use of several schemes quality measures. "With regard to the potential mechanisms, it has been widely reported that a better quality diet (rich in fruits, vegetables and legumes) is badociated with lower inflammatory biomarkers," the team continued. "However, in addition to the well-known anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory hypotheses in the diet-asthma combination, a recent hypothesis has been raised involving an imbalance in the gut microbiota – in particular by a reduction in short-chain fatty acids. (AGCC) "

Andrianasolo and colleagues have explained that higher levels of AGCC, produced by bacteria in the intestine during the fermentation of insoluble fiber from plant material, have recently been badociated with healthy eating (defined as high fruit consumption). vegetables, vegetables and legumes – that is, high fiber foods) and would reduce airway inflammation.

"In this way, a dietary intervention based on a high-fiber diet could be relevant for primary and secondary prevention. asthma.

The Minister of Health funded this study

The researchers declared to have no conflict of interest.

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