A master class in game design


It's finally here, ladies and gentlemen. Red Dead Redemption 2, the title you've been waiting for for almost 10 years since the original game was launched on Xbox 360 and PS3, has been released – and yes, it was worth the wait.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a prequel of the original game released on the latest generation consoles. This puts you in the shoes of Arthur Morgan after an attempted robbery that goes wrong. You are on the run in almost every area as you try to rebuild your life and find other gang members who have gone astray.

As you progress and become more notorious in the stories of the game, more cities and places become hostile, which brings you to find another place to call home. In truth, however, the world will never be safe for bandits like you, so you will be constantly on the run.

The Red Dead series has always been focused on exploration and offers the player a lot to do. This game is no different, with an extended map, a linear history and many additional missions to fill your appetite.

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With nearly a hundred missions, a multitude of mini-games and enough content to lose a weekend or two, Red Dead Redemption 2 is the biggest entry in the world and probably the biggest game ever made by Rockstar Games, so what exactly does it look like?

The gripes

a game full of content and positive things to do, we wanted to start by eliminating the negative aspects

It's worth mentioning that Red Dead Redemption 2 is a slow game, the movements are slow, the journeys slow and even The shootings have a slow pace, you always try carefully to move to a safe place while slowly aiming the opponents to fire, then you repeat the process.

The game starts slowly (as it should be) ) as you learn more about the m mechanisms of gaming. game in individual missions, unlocking things along the way. It may take several hours to get a lot of the things you need to get out and enjoy the freedom of the Wild West. This could discourage some people from playing the game entirely if they do not have the time or the patience to engage in stimulation.

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This brings us back to the idea of ​​the freedom offered by the game. If you want to go kill yourself, you can do it. If you want to go breeding sh eep, fishing, rob a bank, rob a train, moor a poor stranger and get him through a train, you can. The game is designed to give you the tools you need to achieve your darkest Western fantasies.

We have not yet talked about the hundreds of missions, side quests and collectibles offered alongside the legendary hunt. missions that ask you to roam and find beasts in order to show. There is really something for everyone, no matter how much time you plan to play, where to invest.

Management is Key

There are many different items to handle in Red Dead Redemption 2 that require a pen and paper to write down everything.

First, your health will require you to stay nurtured and watered so you do not see any negative side effects. You must also sleep regularly to keep your character in good condition. Then you must keep an eye on your health indicator, your stamina and your dead-eye indicator to make sure they are full so that you do not start a battle without preparation.

You can also make objects by gathering resources around you to get them. tonic and food regularly available. This will ensure that you will have useful tools to maintain your vigor and prevent your body from suffering from underweight.

But your character is not the only thing to handle. There is also your horse, your base and many other features to take into account to give you a better chance to progress in some of the most difficult stages of the game.

All this is combined with an extensive leveling mechanism. , which will allow you to consistently earn extra health, endurance and deadeye points by simply playing the game naturally. You can also bond with your horse by simply riding it to improve your health and stamina, as well as to release special abilities along the way.

All this just adds other management tools that can help you prepare for any situation. It's better to be prepared because the more things you have, the more options you have for a mission or personal activity.

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Just be sure to invest enough time and money in everything you offer and you should be good for any scenario thrown at you.

The Grand Final

Red Dead Redemption 2 far outstrips other competitors and is already a yearling gambler – and it is difficult to argue with this statement.

No match is perfect and everyone will have some small problems. Each person will have their own pet peeve and criticism of how the game could be improved – but Red Dead Redemption 2 is almost as perfect as you can get it.

He figures alongside Grand Theft Auto V as one of the best games and has his own charm that stands out from his predecessors. Rockstar is the best of its kind in open world games and offers many activities to entertain players for hours.

This is probably one of the best games to be released during this generation of consoles and pushes systems to the limit. Fans are hoping it will follow in the footsteps of Grand Theft Auto V. and will be released on PC and the next generation of consoles on each release. "

There is nothing left to do but wait for the first pack of downloadable game content drop to enjoy more of what the game has to offer. Undead Nightmare 2, no matter who?

Rating: 9/10

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