A measles outbreak in Ocean County hits 2 other people


Two more people were infected with measles in Lakewood after being exposed to the highly contagious virus of a traveler who introduced it in the country last month, the Health Ministry said. New Jersey.

The ministry warned residents Thursday. that the two unidentified individuals may have infected others between October 25 and 30 at the following locations in Lakewood:

* NPGS, 231 Main Street October 25 between 9 am and noon and October 29 between 2:15 pm and 4:45 pm

* Pizza Plus, 241 4th St., October 28th between 12:30 pm. and 3:30 pm

The two persons developed symptoms after being infected by another unidentified person after the international trip to Israel and who was in Ocean County between October 13 and 21, the department said in a statement. 19659002] State health officials said they were considering a "measles outbreak" and were working with the Ocean County Health Department to identify any other potential place that the no one could have visited and stated that they would inform the public if necessary.

Anyone who The ministry asked the doctors to call a doctor "immediately".

"Anyone who suspects an exposure is asked to call a health care provider before going to a medical office or to an emergency department," said the Department of Health . "Special arrangements can be made for badessment while also protecting other patients and medical staff against possible infection."

People can also get sick when they come in contact with mucus or saliva from an infected person and anyone who has not been vaccinated or vaccinated.

Symptoms of measles include rash, high fever, cough, runny nose and red, watery eyes and can cause more serious complications such as pneumonia and encephalitis, according to the health department.

An infected person may also become ill in contact with mucus or saliva and anyone who has not been vaccinated or has not had measles is at risk if exposed.

Chris Sheldon can be contacted at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @chrisrsheldon Find NJ.com on Facebook

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