A new lama-based antibody promising against the flu


The researchers generated a new lama-based anti-influenza antibody that provides universal and long-lasting protection against a wide variety of influenza A and B viruses, including avian-transmitted strains such as H1N1.

Lamas, better known for its wool has been used to produce a new antibody treatment that can fight against all types of flu, including new pandemics.

Researchers at the Scripps Institute in California infected llamas with several types of flu to provoke an immune response, the BBC reported


They chose four, and then started building their own synthetic antibody that used elements of each.

It has been tested in mice, which have been administered lethal doses of influenza.

"This is very effective, there were 60 Ian Wilson, one of the researchers, said one of the researchers.

" The goal here is to provide something that would work . from season to season, and protect yourself from possible pandemics. "

For the study published in the journal Science, the team tried two methods to give the antibodies to animals.

The first was to inject them with the bodies, and the second was a type of gene therapy

The genetic instructions for the manufacture of the antibody were packaged in a harmless virus, which was then used to infect the nose of the mice.

The cells in the lining of the nose

Another benefit of this approach is that it could work in the elderly, says the report.

"Having a treatment capable of treating different strains of the virus is highly sought after. It's the holy grail of the flu, "said Jonathan Ball, a professor at the University of Nottingham.


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