A new MacBook leak confirms Mac's secret launch


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Apple has less than a week for its launch event almost traditional October (The focus may be on iPad and iPad Pro tablets, but new information confirms that something new is coming up in the Mac and MacBook families.

The CEO of Apple, Tim Cook (R), presents a preview of the MacBook Pro at a product launch event at Apple's headquarters in Cupertino, California (Photo: Josh Edelson / AFP / Getty Images)

Four New Issues of model appeared in the official regulatory documents filed by Apple with the Eurasian Economic Commission. [19659007] Three numbers (A1993, A2115 and A2116) follow the naming schemes of the Mac range and alongside five updated Mac models which will be now delivered to With MacOS 10.14, the fourth issue (A1932) is placed next to five MacBook machines, also with the latest macOS 10.14 software.

There have been several clues to indicate that Apple is working on another MacBook for the 2018 portfolio, although Tim Cook and his team seem reluctant to push the deskbound system, but continues to emphasize on iPad tablets (by the way, if this is a combined iPad / Mac event that I watch closely to see the time allotted to the two pillars and the blur that will exist between "computer" and "tablet".)

Nevertheless, rumors and indications about a new MacBook have persisted throughout 2018. The same goes for the question of where it will appear in the portfolio. There is no need in the high end, the MacBook Pro is comfortably covered. The mid-range MacBook is well below the Pro machines. For me, the only real place for a new MacBook is in the same space as the entry-level MacOS Air at $ 999.

The new MacBook Pro is displayed in a case following the keynote address at Apple 2012 World. Large-Scale Developers Conference (Photo by Justin Sullivan / Getty Images)

While the launch of the market has been groundbreaking, the market for ultra-thin, fashion-sensitive notebooks is now replete with models from all manufacturers. The MacBook Air no longer stands out in terms of price and "ramp access" to this quiet neighborhood of AppleVille.

I only hope that Apple has made an effort and thought about what a new MacBook really needs to become a distinctive product on the market. Show us that Apple can always think differently and deliver.

What worries me is that we get a new MacBook Air (baduming it keeps the nickname "Air") in five minutes, which only updates the specification numbers. price-based competition is its only benefit, and then we have an hour on new iPad and iPad Pro computers.

Read more on Apple's preferences for iOS tablets compared to macOS laptops …


Apple takes less than a week for its launch event almost traditional from October (and to intimidate the competition). The focus may be on the iPad and iPad Pro tablets, but new information confirms that something new is coming Mac and MacBook families

Apple CEO Tim Cook (R) presents a MacBook Pro at a product launch event at Apple's Cupertino, CA headquarters (Photo: Josh Edelson / AFP / Getty Images)

reported in official regulatory filings made by Apple with the Eurasian Economic Commission

Three numbers (A1993, A2115 and A2116) follow the naming schemes of the Mac series, and are side by side with five updated Mac models that will now be delivered with macOS 1 0.14 The fourth issue (A1932) is badociated with the latest version of the macOS 10.14 software, alongside five MacBook computers.

It looks like Apple is working on another MacBook for the 2018 portfolio, even though Tim Cook and his team appear. reluctant to push the deskbound system, he continues to focus on iPad tablets (by the way, if it's a combined iPad / Mac event, I look carefully to see how much time is spent on both pillars and how

Nevertheless, rumors and indications about the arrival of a new MacBook have persisted throughout 2018. The same goes for the question of whether it will be placed in the wallet There is no need in the high end, the MacBook Pro is comfortably covered.The mid-range MacBook is well below the machines Pro.For me, the only real place for a new MacBook is in the same Space as the entry-level MacOS Air at $ 999.

The new MacBook Pro is displayed in a case following the keynote address at the Apple 2012 World Show. Large-scale developer conference (Photo by Justin Sullivan / Get ty Images)

Even though its launch was revolutionary, the market for ultra-thin and fashion-sensitive notebooks is now full of models from all manufacturers. The MacBook Air no longer stands out in terms of price and "ramp access" to this quiet neighborhood of AppleVille.

I only hope that Apple has made an effort and thought about what a new MacBook really needs to become a distinctive product on the market. Show us that Apple can always think differently and deliver.

What worries me is that we get a new MacBook Air (baduming it keeps the nickname "Air") in five minutes, which only updates the specification numbers. competition that relies on price as the only benefit, and then we spend an hour talking about new iPad and iPad Pro computers.

Now find out more about the fact that Apple favors iOS tablets for MacOS laptops …

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