A new vaccine is a step forward for the cure of malaria | health


Researchers have developed a vaccine that protects against malaria infection in mouse models by targeting the specific protein that parasites use to escape the immune system. Malaria parasites produce a unique protein, called Plasmodium macrophage migration inhibitory factor (PMIF), which is essential for the life cycle of the parasite because it transmits to new hosts.

This PMIF suppresses memory T cells – cells that fight infections that respond to threats and protect the body from reinfection. The study, published in the journal Nature Communications, demonstrates the effectiveness of the anti-PMIF vaccine.

"If you vaccinate with this specific protein used by the malaria parasite to escape an immune response, you can get protection from reinfection," said Richard Bucala, of Yale University in Connecticut , United States. "To our knowledge, this has never been demonstrated using a single antigen in a fulminant bloodstain infection," adds Bucala.

In the study, the team tested an RNA-based vaccine designed to target PMIF. They used a strain of the malaria parasite with PMIF genetically deleted, and observed that the mice infected with this strain developed memory T cells and had a higher immunity to parasite.

In addition, the research team used two models of the effectiveness of a vaccine using PMIF. One model had early liver infection from mosquito – borne parasites, and the other, a severe late – stage blood infection. In both models, the vaccine was protected against reinfection.

Finally, the researchers transferred memory T cells from immunized mice to "naive" mice never exposed to malaria. These mice were also protected. The researchers then plan to develop a vaccine for people who have never had malaria, mainly young children.

"The vaccine would be used in children so that they already have an immune response against this particular malaria product, and when they become infected with malaria, they would have a normal T-cell response, eliminate the parasite and would be protected "Bucala said.

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