A year of GST: Finance Secretary Hasmukh Adhia said Friday that technology had failed to ensure a smooth transition to the tax era on goods and services . Speaking at an event, Hasmukh Adhia said that people who work on the technological backbone of the GST-GSTN are doing a good job but despite their best efforts, the GSTN sometimes fails.
CGTA is the backbone of the GST and administers the registration, bill upload, filing of tax returns and the tax payment system under the new indirect tax system managed and managed by the computer giant Infosys. "Since we had to meet a certain deadline, we had to speed up the process, and somehow I made a reference to the technology that we lacked, but that means that the people at GSTN failed us. wonderful people are working at the GSTN, and despite their best efforts, the GSTN is still failing us, "said the finance secretary.
He says that even if there are technical problems to be solved, the nation has come a long way since implementing the biggest tax reform India has seen. "We have made some progress in the simplification process by introducing the GST, but it does not meet the needs of improving the existing system. We are still convinced that we need to do a lot more, "he added.
The GST was launched on July 1, 2017. A survey conducted on the first anniversary of the GST revealed that 50% of businesses find it difficult to log in and submit GST information. Many businesses also believe that even after a year, the GST continues to be long and expensive, said a LocalCircles survey. In the second year of the GST, the government should streamline the filing process through a single filing system.
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