Aerobics exercises can help reduce depression


By: IANS | London |

Posted: 20 October 2018 11:27:53

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An badysis of randomized controlled clinical trials suggests that supervised aerobic exercises have important effects on antidepressant treatment in patients with major depression. The study, published in the journal Depression and Anxiety, showed a significantly greater overall antidepressant effect than antidepressants and / or psychological therapies.

"Together, this study found that supervised aerobic exercises can significantly support the treatment of major depression in the treatment of mental disorders. health services, "said lead author Ioannis D. Morres of the University of Thessaly in Greece. For the study, the research team involved 455 adults from 11 eligible patients aged 18 to 65 years with major depression as the primary disorder.

Supervised aerobics exercises were performed on average for 45 minutes at moderate intensity, ie three times a week and for 9.2 weeks. The purpose of this meta-badysis was to examine the antidepressant effects of aerobic exercises compared to non-exercise comparators exclusively reserved for depressed adults.

Subgroup badyzes revealed comparable effects for aerobic exercise in various contexts and modes of delivery, both in outpatients Patients, regardless of the severity of symptoms, reported

Similarly, aerobic exercise revealed moderate to significant antidepressant effects in clinical trials with lower risk of bias, as well as significant antidepressant effects in short-term clinical trials (up to four times). ). weeks) and trials involving preferences for exercise, they noted.

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