After Zika's positive case in Ahmedabad, 600 health teams deployed in the city


Written by RITU SHARMA
| Ahmedabad |

Last updated: October 29, 2018 07:13:44

  Zika virus Ahmedabad This photo of the record shows a mosquito of the genus Aedes aegypti, carrying the Zika virus, under the microscope at 39; Fiocruz Institute in Recife, State of Pernambuco, Brazil. (AP)

After confirmation of a Zika virus case in Ahmedabad on Friday, the municipality of Ahmedabad (AMC) undertook mbadive surveillance of the city by deploying 600 health teams in the three areas – East, South and North Ahmedabad. . Last Sunday, the CMA deployed only 33 teams to investigate the reported areas and report fever cases.

Friday, Health Commissioner Jayanti Ravi said the department had not waited for the suspicious results of the test sample and had proactively initiated surveillance. . However, the surveillance that began on October 21 intensified on Saturday with the addition of 210 health teams out of the 390 existing, bringing to 600 the number of teams in a day. A team is made up of two accredited members of the ASHA (Social Health Activist) who inspect nearly 100 homes a day

CMA health authorities said surveillance would continue at the same pace at the same time. next week to control any possible spread of the virus. . "After the Zika case was confirmed, the AMC did not want to leave any surveillance zone and so intensified on Saturday. Also on Sunday, this has been done with the same pace and this will continue aggressively throughout the coming week, "said Dr. Bhavin Solanki, CMA Medical Adviser.

Explained | How Zika Spreads and Overnight

Up to 790 pregnant women were interviewed on Saturday, out of the 2,321 screened during the last week – or 34% of the total number of pregnant women surveyed in the city. Of these, samples of 31 feverish women were sent for further testing.

Zika virus poses a serious threat to pregnant women because the virus can be transmitted from a pregnant woman to her fetus, which can cause birth defects such as microcephaly and other serious forms of the fetus. brain defects. On Saturday, no less than 595 health teams interviewed more than 10.56 lakhs residing in more than 41,000 homes. Of these, 420 were identified with fever.

With an exponential increase in the number of people surveyed, the number of people screened with fever more than doubled – from 191 detected on Friday to 421 on Saturday. Samples of four of them were sent for testing.
Up to now, a total number of AMC teams have raided 1.65 lakh house of three areas in Ahmedabad in a week. In total, 4,600 homes were fogged during this period.

The first confirmed case of Zika virus in this state was reported in Ahmedabad on Friday. The 35-year-old woman, residing in Amraiwadi, Ahmedabad, left the hospital on Thursday. Although she was suspected of suffering from the disease Oct. 22, her test reports confirmed Oct. 26, a day after she left the hospital in Ahmedabad.

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