Airtel Q2 result: Bharti Airtel's profit in the second quarter dropped 65% year-on-year to Rs.19 crore, still higher than Street estimates


The big telecommunications company Bharti Airtel on Thursday surprised Dalal Street by publishing a profit for the quarter ended September 30, thanks to a deferred tax gain.

The company's PAT fell 65.36% to a crore of 118.80 rupees in the second quarter of year 19 compared to 343 crores for the same period last year. Analysts in a poll ET NOW had estimated the loss at 828.30 billion rupees for the quarter.

The consolidated business figure of the company slipped to Rs. 20,422.50 crores against Rs. 21,776.90 crore in the corresponding quarter of last year. Revenues fell 6.20% due to continued price pressure in India's mobile communications segment, the company said in a statement.

Airtel reported a deferred tax recovery of an amount of 2632.60 Rupees for the September quarter.

The company's average revenue per user (ARPU) decreased by 28.80% to 101 rupees for the quarter ended September 30th. This figure was 142 rupees for the same period last year.

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<p>  Ebitda slipped 20.70 percent to Rs 6,343 crore in Q2FY19 on Rs 8,004 crore in Q2FY18. Total business figure decreased to 5.30 percent for the quarter from 15.10 percent last year.
<p>  On the company's performance, Gopal Vittal, MD and CEO of India and South Asia, said, "Our goal is to provide quality customers through simplified pricing partnerships. and content, Arpu's decline moderated during the quarter. We remain focused on quality growth with value-added propositions for our customers. "
<p>  As of September 30, the company had 445 million customers, an increase of 14.2% from 390 million last year.
<p>  The total number of minutes of use on the network during the quarter was high at 759 billion, representing growth of 54.9% against 490 billion in the corresponding quarter of the year last.
<p>  Mobile data traffic grew by 223.2 percent to 2,758 billion MB in the quarter, up from 853 billion MB last year.
<p>  Consolidated net debt increased by Rs. 10,301.40 crores to Rs. 1,13.20.20 against Rowe Rs 1,029.02.
<p>  The ratio of net debt to ebitda (LTM) at September 30 was 4.25 times, compared to 3.61 times at the end of June 30.
<p>  The net financial debt ratio was 1.64 times as of September 30, compared to 1.48 times in the June quarter.<br />
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