Alarmist outbreaks against malaria Delhi: 75 cases reported to date exceeding dengue fever and chikungunya


  Dengue Mosquito

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Data released by the South Delhi Municipal Municipality (SDMC) on Monday revealed the growing threat of mosquito-borne diseases in the city. The number of people affected by malaria in the nation's capital has increased to 75 this season, with 29 cases reported in the first three weeks of July.

The vector-borne disease spreads rapidly this season as the number of malaria cases reported in February was two, one in April and one in March. With 17 cases of malaria reported in May and 25 the following month, 29 cases were reported on 21 July, according to the SDMC

. The figure of the disease shows that it is higher than the number of people affected by dengue fever. The number of dengue cases reported in January was six, three in February and one in March. In July, the number is 13, while 18 cases of chikungunya were reported in January. reported this month. It is not unusual that cases of malaria are reported in greater numbers compared to dengue since both infections have different carriers, a senior doctor in a government hospital said

While SDMC Tabulates data on vector-borne diseases and deaths in the city, the doctors said that it does not provide a complete picture. A doctor treating the National Program for the Control of Vector-borne Diseases told ToI:

Companies only report cases in sentinel hospitals or large private hospitals that report to them. Hundreds of patients with febrile illnesses who are being treated in small nursing homes or independent clinics are not included in the data.

The doctor also said that cases of malaria, once considered to be decreasing, have increased significantly. , Africa and South Africa, mainly due to reduced concentration and spending by governments.

A senior consultant at Hindu Rao Hospital, Dr. DK Seth said that poor sanitation levels may be the reason for the high incidence of malaria. "We need to renew our focus on the disease in order to eradicate it at source and reduce its spread," he said.

According to health authorities, cases of dengue and chikungunya month.

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