Amazon vs. Walmart: Rumble in the Indian Retail


The $ 20 billion online shopping market is set for a mega shock of titans, vs. Walmart, in the coming months. This period, interspersed with festivals, major discounts and big selling days, which until now has seen Flipkart compete with Amazon, will now see the two American giants face the local market, writes Shelley Singh [19659002] "Expect to outbid each other and make a big splash.The end of year holiday buzz could become more prominent around Diwali this year," said Vidya Shankar , executive director of Grant Thornton India Adrian Lee, research director at Gartner, says: "The choice of users should improve." A wider range of private brands Walmart will differentiate the goods. "
On May 9, Walmart acquired a 77% stake in Flipkart for $ 16 billion, against Amazon, which launched its operations in India in June 2013. Amazon has already spent $ 3 billion on its $ 5 billion for develop on the Indian market. Discounts will continue as the penetration of e-commerce in India is low – at 15% of retail – but now, "Flipkart will diversify its inventory to attract more segments of Indian consumers who have not yet started shopping in India. line, "adds Lee.

We can expect a status quo in the short term, as Walmart eliminates regulatory hurdles, but soon enough, both will use their strengths and penetrate the territories of others. While Amazon is strengthening fashion and clothing where Flipkart has an edge, the latter with Walmart could consider new areas such as food, which Amazon started in India in February. Devangshu Dutta, managing director of Third Eyesight, said: "Customers will see a more in-depth product line and platform focus to attract new users.

Of nearly 500 million Internet users, less than 20% have bought online, while less than 10% are regular buyers. This user base will expand to 200 million by 2020. And there will be new categories.

"E-commerce has developed with mobile and low value-added categories, such as mobile accessories.Today, with the maturation of platforms, the focus is more fashion, grocery, home and furniture – demanding categories that require a consistent customer experience, "says Sreedhar Prasad, Partner and Head of E-Commerce and Internet Business at KPMG. pure e-commerce game, while Walmart is the grandfather of retail.

Harminder Sahni, founder of Wazir Advisors, says, "Once all regulatory approvals have been obtained, Walmart will have its own staff under Flipkart's direction. Both have deep experience in technology and retail. Walmart understands the space very well. Of course, both will make it harder for the smaller players. "

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