An HIV-positive woman with Zika virus in Gujarat


A woman admitted to a civilian hospital had a positive result in the Zika virus infection, said Friday a senior official.

This woman, residing in Bhavnagar, Gujarat, has since recovered, said Ahmedabad city commissioner Vijay Nehra.

She was admitted to the hospital on October 22 for gynecological problems, said Nehra.

"Since she also had a mild fever, the doctors took blood samples to check if she had dengue or malaria, but she gave a negative result, and then, as a precautionary measure, her samples were been sent to the National Institute of Virology in Pune for a Zika virus test, "he said.

"The NIV confirmed today that it was infected with the Zika virus, but the woman has already recovered and released," he added.

In the case of an alleged case of Zika, the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) launched a mbadive campaign to prevent the spread of the virus, he said.

An outbreak of Zika A virus was reported in neighboring Rajasthan earlier this month.

Nehra and Gujarat's health commissioner, Jayanthi Ravi, briefed the media in Gandhinagar later on Friday.

measures taken by the adm

"The Zika virus is spread by mosquito bites, mosquitoes carrying the dengue virus and chikungunya also carry the Zika virus, so the best way to curbing its spread is controlling mosquitoes, "said Ravi.

She added that since there was no specific medication for Zika, patients could take paracetamol.

On October 22, the AMC immediately went into action.

"We did not wait for the results of the woman, who only came today." Considering that it was a suspicious case from Zika, we have trained 390 teams and have examined more than 7.33 lakhs since October 22. An intense fog was used to control the threat of mosquitoes in the city, "he said.

The virus can affect the virus. the health of the unborn child if a pregnant woman gets the infection, he said.

"We therefore examined more than 5,000 women and took blood samples from 257 women to check if they were infected with the Zika virus.The results of 135 women arrived … which is good, c These 135 samples were tested negative, "said the Commissioner.

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