Anxiety, depression can aggravate the health of your heart


Symptoms of depression and anxiety are present in about one third of patients with heart failure and these patients have a higher risk of progressive heart disease and other adverse outcomes. , a new study suggests.

The study, published in the journal Harvard Review of Psychiatry, found evidence confirming "significantly higher" rates of depression and anxiety disorders in patients with heart failure, compared to the general population.

  Depression, Health, Suicide

Chronic and progressive condition in which the heart can not pump enough blood, causing symptoms such as fatigue and shortness of breath.

"Depression has been linked to the development and progression of heart failure and other cardiovascular diseases," author Christopher Celano of the Harvard Medical School [19659002Researchershavestatedthatpreviousstudieshavelinkedpsychiatricdisorderstoworseoutcomesinpatients

To clarify these relationships, the researchers did a focused review of research on the badociations between heart failure, depression, and anxiety.


Researchers have found that anxiety is very common in patients with heart failure and physiological and behavioral factors may contribute to adverse outcomes.

About 30% of patients have clinically significant anxiety symptoms, while 13% have diagnostic criteria for anxiety disorders. stress disorder or panic disorder)

Depression and anxiety can make it harder for patients with heart failure to follow the recommendations regarding diet, exercise and the Use of medicines. Previous studies have also linked depression to metabolic changes, including increased levels of inflammatory markers, the researchers added.

The researchers noted that formal diagnostic interviews (ie based on DSM-5 criteria) can help to badess the cause of heart failure and depression or anxiety, including problems with sleep, concentration or depression. energy.

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