Apple confirms iOS update 12.1 to fix "beautygate"


  Apple confirms the update iOS 12.1 to correct

Each year, with the launch of a new iPhone, a new controversy After the infamous Watergate scandal in the United States, these controversies carry the nomenclature of "Feature-gate", namely Antennagate, Bendgate, Chipgate, and the newest member of the Gate family is Beautygate. It was found that photos of the iPhone iPhone Where to buy 88788 1199 123498 iPhone XS Max and iPhone XR Where buy [19659004] 76900 facing the front camera seemed soft, almost as if a "beauty filter" was applied.Apparent denied that they "water purification filter", but acknowledged the problem. The Verge, Apple confirmed that the problem would be solved with the next update of iOS 12.1.

The sweetness in the photos of the front camera of the iPhone XS Where to buy 88788 1199 123498 and XR has was simply attributed to a "secret beauty filter", originally propagated by the popular therapy YouTuber Unbox.The publications repeated the message without much investigation.The real reason for the softening of the details was explained by Sabastiaan de With, co-creator of the Halide camera app.According to his article on the blog, the perceived sweetness of the photos is due to two reasons; 1) due to the noise reduction applied to photos and 2) because of the reduced local contrast that directly affects the perceived sharpness of an image.The fix for the above is actually quite simple and seems to indicate that Apple will update it with the next update update to iOS 12. If you want to understand in detail why the self If the front camera looks soft, take a look at Sebastiaan's detailed blog post here.

Whatever the cause of the seemingly moderate images, Apple announced that a fix was on the way. If you can not wait until Apple officially releases iOS 12.1, you can access the public beta program, where iOS 12.1 is already available in beta, but nothing says if the patch has already been integrated with the version public beta. . In practice, we always recommend staying on the public final versions of iOS instead of beta versions, as they can cause stability issues. In addition, if you upgrade to the public beta and decide to revert to the iOS public version, you will not be able to restore your backup because you can not restore a backup created on a newer version of iOS to a computer. older (and the public beta is always more recent than the final public versions).

<! – Commented @ July 6, 2016


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