Apple increases its support to the Malala Fund for the advancement of girls' education


Apple Developer Academies will play an important role in supporting the Malala Fund's mission to provide educational opportunities to girls around the world, said Malala Yousafzai, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, on the subject. deepening partnerships. Meeting with the young developers of the Apple Developer Academy on Friday, Malala said the fund will access new tools to support its free, secure and quality education mission by tapping into the network of student developers. 39; Apple.

In the Apple Developer Academy program, I share my pbadion for improving the world around us, and I look forward to seeing their innovative ideas to help girls in Brazil and around the world, "said Malala

of Apple launching Friday a new collaboration between its 10 Apple Developer Academies in Brazil and the Malala Fund to promote girls' educational opportunities.

"My hope is She said that In 1965, Apple entered into a partnership with the Malala Fund to support new programs in India and Latin America. "We share Malala's goal of increasing the number of girls in quality education and we are excited to deepen our partnership with the Malala Fund by mobilizing thousands of students and students." Alumni of the Apple Developer Academy. "Apple has been engaged in education since day one, and we look forward to seeing what our creative student developers are proposing to help the Malala Fund make the difference. "Cook added.

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