Apple's iOS update blocking font is available


It's finally here. The long-awaited feature of Apple, intended to prevent bad actors from bypbading Apple's encryption and penetrating your phone, is now available. On Monday, the component was put online in the latest iOS update and you have to download it.

The feature, called USB Restricted Mode, blocks access to your iPhone's Lightning port if the device has not been used in the last hour. Law enforcement has recently started using secret tools such as GrayKey and Cellebrite to hack the suspicious iPhones, and deactivating the flash port is considered a key factor in circumventing these methods. While institutions like the FBI like to complain that they need special workarounds for encryption to protect us, any security breach only serves to endanger our private data.

Apple is not intended to antagonize the police. this update arrives without doing much of the functionality. We do not recommend downloading a major revision of an operating system without spending time with it first, but it is a minor update. Restricted mode USB is not even listed in the brief summary of changes on the download screen, and iOS 11.4.1 is mainly used to fix some small bugs. In addition, it is enabled by default after you install the update.

But just so that you can feel the comfort of knowing that it works, you can as well check that it is on. First, go to Settings> General> Software Updates and download the latest version. Once installed, go to Settings> FaceID and Access Code and look for the labeled USB accessories. It looks like this:

I do not know if Apple copywriters have just a bad day or if this explanation is meant to fool you into leaving the setting alone, but you leave it alone Option to disable. When USB accessories are disabled, USB Restricted mode is enabled. Congratulations.

This should not draw you into a false sense of security. It has already been reported that Grayshift has found a way to bypbad Apple's latest attempt to block unauthorized individuals from your private data. This is exactly how information security works – the job is never done. To do crimes is stupid. Making crimes on devices that are connected to the Internet is staggering.

The only other great feature of this update that you should know is a patch that should improve the Find My AirPods feature. As Engadget points out, some users have had problems trying to use the feature to find the last location of their headphones incredibly easy to lose. This should solve the problem. Good hunt. [Apple via The Verge]

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