Applications that can follow you even after uninstalling them


If you thought that removing an application meant it was the last time you saw it, think again.

Developers have discovered a way to identify users who have deleted an application and quickly show them a multitude of

According to Bloomberg, various companies have registered as customers of these application tracking companies, among which include Adjust, AppsFlyer, MoEngage, Localytics and CleverTap, among others.

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  Developers have discovered a way to determine which users have deleted an app and quickly distribute them in a multitude of ads in order to get them to return to the software [19659006] Developers have figured out a way to determine which users have removed an app and quickly serve them a bunch of ads to get them back to the software

Developers have found a way to determine which users have deleted and quickly an application serve them a host of announcements with the aim of getting them to return to the software

These companies often offer uninstall follow ups as part of a longer list of. development tools.

Application developers are able to determine if the user has uninstalled their software with the help of silent push notifications.

Silent push notifications are not a new tool.

Many applications use them to perform tasks in the background when the user does not engage directly in the application.

For example, developers can send notifications to an application installed on the phone of the user to update the content of the application, for example. to refresh an inbox.

When a user has deleted the phone application, the developer does not receive a ping request from the device when it attempts to transmit a silent notification.

  It is possible that application uninstallation tracking violates Apple and Google's policies for iOS and Android, although none of the companies responded to the request for Bloomberg comment.

  It is possible that uninstall application tracking violates Apple and Google policies for iOS and Android.

It is possible that application uninstallers violate Apple and Google policies for iOS and Android, although neither company has responded to the request. comments from Bloomberg

Thanks to the technology developed by these application tracking companies, developers can add these changes to the file related to the unique mobile ad ID of the mobile device, by marking it as uninstalled, noted Bloomberg.

From there, it gives them the tools they need to be able to follow the owner of the device, wherever they are, and to broadcast targeted ads inviting them to download the device again. ;application.

It is possible that the follow-ups violate Apple's and Google's policies for iOS and Android, but neither of the two companies responded to Bloomberg's comment request.

"It's usually hard to follow netizens once they've chosen to use your product," said Alex Austin, managing director of Branch Metrics Inc., Bloomberg said.

Some application developers say that uninstallation tracking features are used to improve their software and get rid of common bugs.

However, it seems unlikely that a large number of users feel that it's just that an app be allowed to track their devices after uninstalling it.

How does Apple prevent users from being tracked?

Apple's new tool, called "Intelligent Tracking Prevention" in the latest version of Safari, offers users more options to limit how they are tracked from one site to another. another. 19659002] It prevents buttons "I like" or "Share" social media and comment widgets to track users without their permission using means called "cookies".

The tool also features "simplified system information" when users are browsing the web.

This applies particularly to the practice of "fingerprinting on the browser", which allows sites to determine that a device belongs to a given user based on the plug-ins on your computer or the configuration of your system.

Updates are expected in upcoming MacOS Mojave and iOS 12 software, both of which are expected to be released later this year.

Apple has created tools to prevent advertisers from tracking users.

For example, users can anonymize the unique advertising ID of their device by activating the "Limited Ad Tracking".

To do this, go to Settings, then Privacy and go to the "Advertising" section.

From there, users can scan to enable "limited tracking of ads". This allows advertisers to see your unique ID as a string of zeros, protecting your identity from tracking.

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