ArcelorMittal wants to quickly complete negotiations with Essar CoC – The New Indian Express


By Express Service News

NEW DELHI: With funders Essar Steels choosing ArcelorMittal's bid as the winning bid on Friday, the company wants to complete the negotiations as quickly as possible. In a statement, ArcelorMittal confirmed that it had been informed by Essar Steel India Limited's (ESIL) "Creditors Committee" (ESS) that it had been considered the H1 resolution candidate (the preferred bidder) in the insolvency resolution process. for ESIL ".

"We are now looking forward to completing the negotiations as soon as possible," he said.
The company owned by Lakshmi N Mittal was involved in a tight race between Vedanta Resources and NuMetal, a company promoted by Russian bank VTB, to take over Essar Steel. The Supreme Court has ruled that both ArcelorMittal and NuMetal should pay the other affiliates' fees before they can bid on Essar Steel, only the first has managed to meet the deadlines.

In a statement released last week, the company said, "In accordance with the decision of the Indian Supreme Court of October 4, 2018, it approved a payment of 7,469 crore (about $ 1 billion) to financial creditors. from Uttam Galva. and KSS Petron will clear the outstanding debts so that the offer submitted by Essar Steel India Limited (ESIL) on April 2, 2018 is eligible and can be reviewed by the ESIL Creditors' Committee (CoC) ".

As a result, with only Vedanta and ArcelorMittal in the race, the CoC of Essar Steel chose this last Friday. While Vedanta's bid had been the highest in the first round of bidding, ArcelorMittal had raised the bar during the second round by offering 35,000 crore in advance and 8,000 crore of capital injected into l & # 39; company. He had also proposed to increase the initial payment to 42,000 crore. Essar Steel owes its lenders more than 50,800 crore.

The largest steelmaker in the world has been trying to establish itself in India for a long time, with the announcement of plans to build two plants with a capacity of 12 million tons ten years ago. However, the planned factories – in Jharkhand and Odisha – did not materialize.

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