Ask Dr. Nandi: Vitamin Supplements Do Not Reduce Heart Risk, Study Says


If you think that vitamin supplements will help you live longer, you may want to think again. New research reveals that vitamin and mineral supplements will do nothing to fight heart disease for most people.

I'm sure many people will be disappointed because many people really hope that taking supplements will fill the nutrient gaps of poor eating habits. But this latest study indicates that supplements are a waste of money.

Researchers have now looked closely at 18 solid scientific studies that have followed more than 2 million participants for about 18 years. And they have seen no evidence that multivitamin or mineral supplements would help reduce the risk of stroke or death from a stroke or heart disease.

Doctors recommend vitamins and I also recommend a multivitamin for some of my patients, but only for general well-being. But let me be clear about this, they are not a replacement for healthy eating habits.

At the present time, the vitamin market is booming, as more than half of Americans take supplements. And we spend an incredible $ 12 billion a year on them. Unfortunately, too many people believe that they are a magic weapon when it comes to preventing diseases.

Some people have certain risks or heart diseases that may require prescription fish oil supplements. But for the general public who is in good health, studies have shown that they do not reduce the risk of heart disease. Eating fish twice a week is a much better way to get your omega-3 fatty acids.

And when it comes to protecting your heart, nothing beats the tried and tested methods of not smoking, exercising regularly and eating healthy with plenty of fruits and vegetables. And do not forget to keep your blood pressure and your cholesterol level within the healthy range.

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