Aspirin: Low-dose aspirin has promising potential as a treatment for Alzheimer's disease


WASHINGTON D.C. [USA]: According to a new study, a low-dose aspirin regimen may represent a new avenue for reducing the pathology of Alzheimer's disease.

A study by the Society for Neuroscience showed that the clearance of toxic beta-amyloids, particularly the hippocampus, is a major mechanism.

The activation of the cellular machinery responsible for eliminating brain waste has therefore become a promising strategy for slowing down the disease.

Alzheimer's disease is a life-threatening form of dementia that affects people 65 years of age and older.

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<p>  Amyloid beta forms tufts called amyloid plaques, which damage connections between nerve cells and are one of the leading causes of Alzheimer's disease.
<p>  However, it has been found that a link between aspirin and Alzheimer's disease decreases the pathology of amyloid plaque in mice by stimulating lysosomes.
<p>  Lysosomes are the component of animal cells that help clear cellular debris.
<p>  Research has also established the uses of aspirin for the relief of pain and for the treatment of cardiovascular disease.
<p>  "The results of our study identify a possible new role for one of the most widely used and widely used over-the-counter medications in the world," said Kalipada Pahan, lead author of the study. .
<p>  The results are published in the Journal of Neuroscience.
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