Avengers Endgame: the new Iron Man costume with Infinity Stones LEAKED? Watch video Tony Stark, The Black Panther, Thanos, Thor, Hulk, Infinity War, Captain America


  Did Black Panther help Iron Man with his new suit in Avengers Endgame?

Did Black Panther help Iron Man with his new costume in Avengers Endgame? & Nbsp | & nbspPhoto Credit: & nbspYouTube

The highly anticipated Avengers: Endgame, the upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe movie, whose lead role is Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chirs Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson and others, have been in the news forever. abandoned the first trailer last December. Speculation and theories have been circulating ever since, especially on social media sites like Reddit.

In one last photo, pictures of the new Iron Man chase, which should be seen in Avengers: Endgame filtered on the Web. Whether Tony is showing off this new costume or whether it's a designer-concept made by another fan, we have no confirmed reports. However, the imagined imagination is rather interesting, not only because it looks good, but also because of what it contains.

In the video below, we see pictures of the new Iron Man costume, Mark 85, which appears to be made from vibranium. holding the famous Infinity Stones, the ones that Thanos used in his Infinity Gauntlet and destroyed to kill half of the living beings of the universe. We also see the Infinity Stones, including three on the chest of the new armor of Iron Man and one at the center of Captain America's shield.

This also corresponds to rumors that Tony Stark would have developed an Iron Man costume. who will exploit the power of the Infinity Stones so that Stark can use it against Thanos, when they meet for their second turn. It makes sense too, because ordinary armor will not be able to withstand the power of Infinity Stones. However, the vibranium, which is in the home country of the Black Panther, Wakanda, could not only withstand the power, but their technology could also help exploit it.

However, we still recommend accepting this news with a grain of salt, as it is still a conceptual art and we have not seen Robert Downey Jr. wear the armor. Meanwhile, Avengers: Endgame will be in action on April 26.

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