BARDA support paves the way for home-based influenza testing


In a development that could put the diagnosis of influenza in the hands of consumers, the Authority for Research and Advanced Biomedical Development (BARDA), of the US Department of Health and Human Services, announced yesterday his support to two companies.

BARDA will provide $ 14 million to Cue Health, based in San Diego, and $ 10 million to Dibadess, based in Emeryville, Calif., To continue developing tests for influenza A and B. L & # 39 agreement with Cue Health can be extended up to a total of $ 30 million over 60 months and the agreement with Dibadess could be extended for a total of $ 21.9 million over 60 months.

Both companies are working on an inexpensive, easy-to-use test for consumers that can give results within 25 minutes. According to a statement released yesterday by BARDA, Rick Bright, PhD, director of BARDA, said that people could rate if they had the flu without leaving their home. could have a profound effect on the control and treatment of seasonal or pandemic influenza. "Putting this power in the hands of patients could transform the speed and delivery of care, which equates to lives saved and stronger national health security," he said.

According to BARDA, the devices may also include reporting depersonalized influenza data in real time to the local health services, which would allow health officials to keep abad of possible outbreaks or pandemics.

Device Details

Both devices use nucleic acid amplification done in clinical or public health laboratories.

The Cue test procedure involves a custom-designed reader for testing samples in a disposable cartridge. The test converts the information into digital information and sends it to a mobile device. According to the company's website, the software includes a personalized mobile health dashboard that stores the test result and connects to on-demand prescription and telemedicine services. It also has a software platform that allows healthcare providers to manage patient outcomes and follow-up.

BARDA stated that Cue Health was also developing its device to test other viruses, including Zika virus and HIV. In a press release today, Cue said the BARDA core funding and options also cover its advanced development of a professional multiplex test to detect and differentiate respiratory pathogens.

Dibadess said on his website that his testing process involves taking a swab nose, stirring it in a tube, and then connecting the tube to the test device. Then the consumer connects to the processing options on their phone.

According to BARDA, the Dibadess device would be disposable and battery powered for use in the field when resources are limited during public health emergencies.

] Amesh Adalja, MD, an infectious disease physician and senior scientist at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, said he's enjoying home testing for influenza and other infections in order to Optimize the recognition of the disease, understand its epidemiology, improve its antiviral. He said that if home testing is done using simple, sensitive and specific technologies, while delivering a quick result, unlike home tests for HIV, hepatitis B, the 39 Hepatitis C and badually transmitted infections. communicable diseases that need to be sent to a treatment center – tests will be very valuable.

"With such a test, people with flu-like illness will be empowered to quickly determine if their symptoms are actually from the flu, helping their doctor to take direct care," he said. , adding that he expects the test will attract people at high risk of severe influenza and the general public

. See also:

Jul. 11 BARDA press release

Jul. 12 Cue Health Press Release

Dibadess Product Information

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