Being Up With The Lark 'May Lower Your Breast Cancer Risk'


Women who have a preference for getting up early in the morning, or 'larks', may have a lower risk of developing bad cancer than those who prefer, the results of a large UK data badysis report.

Combining Mendelian randomization (MR) badysis of cancer research and clinical trials in the field of cancer and cancer.

Presenting their findings at the 2018 National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) Cancer Conference, they showed that a woman's morning / evening sleep preference, or chronotype, affected her risk of developing bad cancer.

Specifically, morning people had an inverse badociation with the development of bad cancer, which the researchers say

There was also an indication that increased sleep duration was adversely affected. Ancestor Risk, at an approximate 20% increase in risk for every day of the day

Protective Effect of Morning Preference

Rebecca Richmond, PhD, a research fellow in the UK Cancer Research Integrative Cancer Epidemiology Program and the MRC (Medical Research Council) Integrative Epidemiology Unit at the University of Bristol, acknowledged, however, that the badociation may not, in end, be causal in nature.

She said in the news release: "The statements are based on the question of whether or not they are more likely than others."

"In other words, it may not be the case that changing your clothes changes your risk of bad cancer; It may be more complex than that. "

Richmond added:" However, the evidence of a protective effect of morning cancer is a precursor to cancer research. light-at-night 'as risk factors for bad cancer.'

She believes that the findings have implications for the risk of bad cancer. "

Dr. Cliona Clare Kirwan, from the University of Manchester, is a member of the NCRI Breast Clinical Studies Group and was not involved in the study.

"The use of Mendelian randomization in this study enables the researchers to examine the causal effect of bad cancer. Kirwan added "


Dr. Emma Pennery, PhD, reported that Kirwan added. Clinical Director at Breast Cancer Care, though questioned how the findings could be applied to the real world.

She commented on a news release: "While these intriguing results highlight the need for further investigation, "

Calling for more work on the risk of cancer risk, Pennery added:" Breast cancer is a highly complex disease and lifestyle changes

"The greatest risk factors – being a woman and getting older – remain out of our control.

Tackling Past Data Inconsistencies

While Previous Observational Studies Have Identified a Link Between Sleep Patterns and Breast Cancer, Results in Night Shift

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The researchers focused on 351 genetic variants that are badociated with chrono- logy, 57 linked to insomnia and 91 with sleep duration.

They then performed a two-sample badysis of 122,977 bad cancer cases and 105,974 by the Breast Cancer Association Consortium (BCAC)

Theory of Mendelian Randomization in the Diagnosis of Disease in relation to the sleep is not likely to be influenced by any external or environmental factors, nor by the development of cancer, and can therefore be used to determine cause and effect relationships. "

Data Analysis

Multivariate Cox regression badysis of an badociation between morning and bad cancer risk, at a hazard ratio of 0.95 (p = 0.002), but weaker evidence of an badociation with sleep duration and insomnia symptoms.

One-sample MR using the UK Biobank data (19659014) Again, the evide the bad cancer risk, a rate of 0.85 per category increase (p = 0.098). The two-sample MR badysis on the BCAC participants also supported an badociation between a bad cancer risk and an average cancer risk of 0.88 per thousand. category increase.

Evidence for an badociation between bad cancer

Evidence for an badociation between bad cancer Risk and insomnia symptoms were described by the researchers as "inconsistent".

Performing additional calculations for the news release, they determined that, in the BCAC data, being able to reduce the risk of developing bad cancer by 40% versus

There was, an evening type

The UK Biobank data indicated that having a preference for mornings reduced the bad cancer by 48% compared with being an evening person.

Next, The researchers are planning to examine the mechanisms underlying the effects of different types of bad cancer risk

"We would "How do we get to grips with the body?"

Expert Comment

Commenting on the findings in a release, Sowmiya Moorthie, PhD, A senior policy badyst (epidemiology) at the PHG Foundation, Cambridge, described the study as "robust", despite the lack of generalizability of women.

She continued: "In terms of the implications of the research, it supports existing evidence that sleep patterns influence cancer risk, but it remains unclear



Dr. Dipender Gill, Imperial College London, clinical research training fellow, added that the study, albeit "informative", does not, by itself, "warrant any action other than further investigation – it should not be changing their sleep patterns based on the evidence presented here."

He added: "The statistical method used in this study, called Mendelian randomization, does not always allow causality to be inferred.

"In this instance, there may be a shared genetic cause for being a lark and risk factors related to bad cancer."

In addition, Dr. Gil pointed out that the pre-print version of the paper has not yet undergone peer-review.

Dr. Stephen Burgess, Sir Henry Welcome post-doctoral fellow, MRC Biostatistics Unit, University of Cambridge, also express of the results, especially the figures, "do not quite tally between the paper and the press release".

"This is an unfortunate, as it means (for example) that not available. "

Dr. Burgess added:" The key limitation is lack of mechanism.

"Another limitation is that sleep timing preference (chronotype) is self-reported, and the investigation did not particularly recruit individuals with different sleep patterns , such as night-shift workers. "

The study was funded by Cancer Research UK, the Medical Research Council and the Economic and Social Research Council.

Samuel E. Jones is funded by the Medical Research Council, Timothy M. Frayling is supported by the European Research Council, and Michael N. Weedon is supported by the Wellcome Trust.

2018 NCRI Cancer Conference. Abstract: Poster 1822. Presented November 6.

bioRxiv 2018; 457572. doi: 10.1101 / 457572. Abstract

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