Beta Mobile PUBG now available for Android, allows you to try out unpublished features


PUBG Mobile is a popular game among Android and iOS users, and until now it was only available in stable release. However, in a new development, Tencent Games has released a beta version of PUBG Mobile on Google Play, so that Android users can get a taste of all the features to come before their commercial release. Of course, the beta has a lot of bugs and problems, and this could affect your gameplay. In any case, the beta program already appears complete on Google Play. Users can no longer register to be part of it. A warning message indicates that the space may open in the future, so you will have to wait until then. The application is listed as Beta PUBG Mobile.

Anyone who is already in the beta before the list is complete can now see what version 0.7.0 can include when it arrives. Android Police reports that it includes Arcade Mode – War, a fast version of Arcade Mode, as well as a new weapon – the SLR sniper rifle. There is also a feature called Portable Closets that allows users to change clothes during the game. However, do not put the match on hold, so you need to make sure you are in a safe place.

The new version also redesigns the main menu design, making the tools like game mode, map, viewfinder, and so on. accessible. One important thing to note is that the beta does not support in-app purchases, and there is no login process as well. So, there is no way to save your progress.

PUBG Mobile rivals a lot with Fortnite, a game made by Epic Games. While PUBG is available on iOS and Android, Fortnite is only available on iOS at the moment. However, a recent report suggests that Fortnite rakes five times the business turnover compared to PUBG Mobile on Android and iOS combined. This despite the fact that Fortnite has only half of the downloads compared to PUBG Mobile.

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