BlackBerry Evolve X keyboard without QWERTY, to be launched in India on August 2 – Technology News, Firstpost


Optiemus Infracom Ltd launches a new smartphone BlackBerry on the Indian market on August 2nd. The news of the launch was confirmed thanks to a media invitation sent by the company for an event programmed by the smartphone brand on August 2nd.

According to reports, the smartphone to be launched is the rumor BlackBerry Ghost that will arrive on the market under the name BlackBerry Evolve . There are also rumors that the BlackBerry device will be accompanied by another smartphone called the Evolve X .

The so-called BlackBerry Ghost, or as he will be called the Evolve has been in the rumor for a long time and has also fled several times. Although the company never showed up to officially announce all this, a number of specifications and features of the device surfaced online.

From what we know, the BlackBerry Evolve jump on the iconic keyboard. It has also been disclosed that the next apparatus will be used by a 4000 mAh battery . The camera is also supposed to come with a dual camera configuration, as well as support for optical zoom.

A leak earlier this year suggested a design with a metal frame on the new BlackBerry smartphone, with a large screen without the famous notch

On top of that, a report from Hindustan Times states that smartphones can also be equipped with BlackBerry's own security solution, DTEK, to improve the privacy levels of communication channels and data transfers. (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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