Call for vigilance on the Zika virus


Hyderabad: The Zika virus poses a very real risk to the Indian population. Its presence has been confirmed by five strains of Zika virus that have been isolated from patients in Jaipur.

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) states that the Indian virus does not have a particular gene related to fetal microcephaly (abnormally born babies). small heads) and, for the moment, this is not a risk.

But epidemiologists say earlier studies of the relationship between the virus and chikungunya and dengue, caused by the same type of mosquito, suggested that when the time came, it would spread and become a major health problem. public.

A doctor from the Integrated Disease Surveillance Program explained: "There are 159 positive cases of zika virus in Rajasthan. The numbers may be low for a large country like India, but this confirmed the presence of the virus in the air, as was suspected earlier. This is the third zika outbreak in India in the last two years, which means we must be vigilant and the diagnosis must be improved. "

The virus multiplies in mosquitoes Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus and the environment in India is conducive to its When water is stored, there is a lot of moisture and an optimal temperature to ensure survival mosquito eggs for three or four consecutive days.

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