Center will celebrate a year of tax reform today


  GST Day Updates: One Center Will Celebrate One Year Tax Reform Today

New Delhi:

At the Conclusion of a GST plan roll-out year, the government will celebrate GST Day today at the Ambedkar International Center to mark the first anniversary of the launch of the new indirect tax system. Calling the GST "just a tribute to the spirit of cooperative federalism," the Department of Finance said that the first year was remarkable for both the variety of challenges that its implementation had raised and the willingness and commitment decision-makers' ability to respond to these challenges and respond appropriately. Celebrations should begin at 11 am

PM Modi congratulates the people of GST Day

I congratulate the people of India for the special occasion of the GST completing a year.

A shining example of cooperative federalism and "Team India" spirit, the GST has brought a positive change in the Indian economy. #GSTForNewIndia

– Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) July 1, 2018

Ministry of Finance also took to Twitter to congratulate people [19659008] pic / ScurA4cGgu

– Ministry of Finance (@FinMinIndia) June 30, 2018

"GST brought transparency": PM Modi

The GST brought growth, simplicity and transparency. It is:

Stimulation of formalization

Improvement of productivity

Promote the "ease of doing business"

In favor of small and medium enterprises. #GSTForNewIndia

– Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) July 1, 2018

Number of telephone badistance for consumers soon

The Minister Union Piyush Goyal said that a hotline will soon be set up, where consumers will be able to report to merchants who evade the phone number. tax by not issuing a purchase invoice.

At the end of the first year of implementation of the historic GST reform, the Minister of Railways, Coal, Finance and Enterprise, Shri @PiyushGoyal thanked the entire world, including the states. Govts, business community especially small traders and political parties.

– Ministry of Finance (@FinMinIndia) 30 June 2018

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