Children of mothers who follow a healthy lifestyle are less likely to be obese


Boston: According to one study, children of mothers who follow a healthy lifestyle have a significantly lower risk of developing obesity

. The results published in The BMJ show that the risk was lowest in children who maintained a healthy weight, did exercise regularly, did not smoke, ate a healthy diet and was a light to moderate drinker.

Researchers, including those at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health in the United States, suggest that if mothers and their children adhere to a healthy lifestyle, this could further reduce the risk of obesity infant.

Childhood obesity is badociated with an increased risk of several disorders, including diabetes and cardiovascular disease, as well as premature death in adulthood.

Researchers examined the medical history and lifestyle characteristics of 24,289 children aged 9-14. to 16,945 women in two American studies.

Participants completed detailed questionnaires about their medical history and lifestyle, including body mbad index (BMI), physical activity levels, and diet. Based on this information, researchers calculated the risk of obesity for each child, using BMI measures.

Women were on average 41 years old with an average BMI of 25 and most (93%) were not current smokers. Their offspring was on average 12 years and 46% were boys

Researchers found that the risk of obesity was 56% lower in children of women with a healthy body weight than in other mothers From BMI

Compared to the offspring of women who currently smoked, children of non-smoking mothers had a 31% lower risk of obesity.

Children of mothers who exercised for the recommended 150 minutes or more per week – and who were light-to-moderate drinkers (1-2 small glbades of wine or a pint of standard beer per day) – were also a lower risk of obesity compared to children of mothers who did not exercise and who did not drink alcohol.

Children of mothers who have followed the five factors of low-risk lifestyle (quality diet, normal body weight, regular physical activity, light or moderate alcohol and non-smoking) have a risk 75% lower to develop Wome n obesity that has not met any of the low risk lifestyle factors.

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