Children with autism, developmental delays nearly 50% more likely to be overweight, obese


Philadelphia, October 17, 2018 – A new study by researchers at CHOP (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia), the University of Pennsylvania and six other centers reveals that children with delayed development, including autism spectrum disorders (ASD), are up to 50% more likely to be overweight or obese compared to the general population.

The results were published online by The Journal of Pediatrics .

This is the first major study to show that young children with ASD or developmental delays are at an equally high risk of developing obesity. Among children with ASD, children with a higher degree of disability and more severe symptoms were at an even greater risk of developing obesity at the age of five.

The study involved nearly 2,500 children aged two to five years. This age group is particularly relevant because it is an important window for the early prevention of obesity.

The research was conducted as part of the Early Development Study (SEED). The multi-site study badyzed 668 children with ASD, 914 children with developmental or developmental delays, and 884 children in the general population who served as controls. The height and weight of the children were measured during clinical visits and the severity of the ASD was measured using the overall severity scale of the university auto. of the State of Ohio.

The study showed that children with ASD were 1.57 times more likely to be overweight or obese than the general population. Children with developmental delays were 1.38 times more likely to be overweight or obese. The risk of obesity was even more pronounced in children with severe ASD symptoms, since they were 1.7 times more likely to be clbadified as overweight or obese than children with symptoms of severe ASD. TSA light.

"These results clearly show that monitoring these children's excess weight from an early age is essential and prevention efforts need to be expanded to include not only children with ASD, but also those with other diagnostics development, "said Susan E. Levy, MD, MPH, the lead author of the study. and Medical Director of the Center for Research on Autism at CHOP.

Although other studies have reported an increase in obesity in children with ASD, this study is the first to examine whether children with other developmental disorders also run a increased risk of developing obesity. . The researchers also examined the links between excessive weight gain and the presence of other medical, behavioral, developmental or psychiatric problems.

"We need more research to understand why these children are more likely to develop obesity and which children are at higher risk," Levy said. Other medical conditions are especially common in children with ASD, and the authors point out that they may play a role in excessive weight gain. Possible factors include endocrine disorders, genetic disorders, gastrointestinal symptoms, drug-related side effects, sleep disturbances or rigid food choices, among others

. , which can offer targets for early intervention. The authors suggest that clinicians monitor the signs of excessive weight gain in children diagnosed with ASD or developmental delays / disorders, and that they provide specific advice to their parents in order to prevent children from becoming pregnant. 39; obesity. Parents should discuss with their health care provider their concerns about their child being able to show signs of being overweight.

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