An investigation by Chinese authorities on the pharmaceutical company Changsheng Biotech, which is at the center of a vaccine adulteration scandal, confirmed that the company had falsified data about its products and used outdated equipment to make vaccines. Raids led by a State Council team revealed that the company had used outdated fluids during production, falsified production records, carried out illegal tests and conducted other illegal activities for reduce costs and increase production.
Investigators said that the company's management had the intention to destroy 60 hard drives containing data to eliminate evidence, but the police had managed to recover them.
According to the preliminary report, the company was "systematically" producing production and inspection records.
Authorities had ordered the company to suspend manufacturing, as an initial inspection between July 6 and July 8 had revealed irregularities, after an anonymous employee had revealed the irregularities in an article, censored later. Changsheng Biotech is accused of falsifying data on 113,000 freeze-dried human rabies vaccines, although the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention said that adulterated vaccines only affected two out of 100,000 people and none of the effects adverse events were observed.
About 250,000 DPT vaccines (diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus)
The scandal affected the whole health sector in China, where patients often claimed that the system put economic considerations ahead of national health.
Chinese President Xi Jinping said the regulations were "abominable" and "shocking", and the authorities ordered a general inspection of the entire vaccine sector in order to regain public confidence.
(This story was not edited by Business Standard staff and is generated automatically from a syndicated feed.)
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