Chrome Update: Users have been warned that important browser changes may occur, but they may NOT like them


Google Chrome fans have been alerted on a huge update that they will soon be able to download.

Google Chrome is without a doubt the most popular internet browser in the world – and it does not seem that it will lose In the first six months of this year, Google Chrome was showing a staggering 62.04 % of the Internet browser market, according to NetMarketShare.

Its closest competitor, Internet Explorer, had 12.03%. The new Microsoft Edge Browser, which ships with Windows 10, contained only 4.41% of the browser market.

Chrome is by far the most popular browser In the world, Google is not resting on its laurels – with a big planned update.

However, the tech giant has warned users before the release of the download.

Google Chrome is in the process of being rethought the first major visual update since 2014.

Google is currently rolling out its Canary experimental browser, which provides early access to new features for developers and developers. the testers.

The redesign of Google Chrome updates the address and the search bar.

Some of these changes seem to be designed for smartphone and tablet users.

Google Chrome-inspired changes are introduced, which means more rounded parts of the user interface and more room. 19659009] The size of the search bar and the address bar has also been increased, which should facilitate the selection of users of tactile devices

The search bar of Google Chrome is now grayed instead of the current white. 19659002] The tabs also have more rounded edges, compared to the angular angles of the current construction.

The new Chrome design was described by François Beaufort, Chromium Evangelist at Google, in a Google Plus post.

009] In the post Beaufort said: "The browser user interface for Chrome OS, Linux and Windows just got a refresh of the hardware design mode in the Canary Channel.

"Many things have been updated for the better"

But speaking to Engadget, Beaufort warned that it would probably take some time for Google Chrome fans to get used to the new design. [19659002] In response to the Beaufort Google Plus article, Chrome's fans were split on the new design.

A fan wrote, "I really do not like the shape of the tab, but the rest is good."

Touch is basically ruining the office experience. "

We added:" I like some parts of the new design, but the new tabs are too big and take up too much vertical space on non-touch devices. "

said:" You have tested this form of tab with Chrome OS and you really like it. "

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