Coal stocks in the heart of the mines are at their lowest in five years in October


Written by Saurabh Kumar, Anupam Chatterjee | New Delhi |

Posted: November 12, 2018

  Business News, Stocks, Indian Charcoal, Indian Coal Mines, Indian Coal Stocks, Fuel Prices, Indian Express CIL officials attribute the drop in pithead stocks to increased availability of railroad rakes to deliver fuel, which has boosted deliveries.

21 million tonnes (metric tonnes) in October, as demand for fuel from the electricity sector accelerated shipments in recent weeks. If core-level coal inventories remain constant, supply could be interrupted, leading to plant outages (low plant availability in technical terms).

Imminent difficulty has accelerated coal imports in recent months, but significant price differential Domestic coal and imported coal continue to dampen imports. For comparable thermal qualities, imported coal costs at least one-third of the locally available fuel, and in some cases the landed cost of imported varieties is 1.5 times that of local coal.

The previous year was nearly 8% higher than the same period last year, and for October alone growth was as high as 11% (it was below 5% in recent years). To meet the demand for coal, the domestic sector could, in the coming months, inflate imports and impose an additional burden on the country's merchandise trade and current account deficits.

Although the annual production target (fiscal year 19) of 610 tons of coal India was set by the government seems to be a daunting challenge (in April-October the miner produced 306 tons of coal; production of 50 tons in October reflected an acceleration), with production increasing at a respectable rate of 10% per year. Including other producers such as the SCCIL, various government entities and captive production, the country's total output for the first seven months of the current fiscal year was 377 mt, which represents a growth of 10% per year.

India's coal as a whole Imports grew at the fastest annual rate, or 29% in fiscal 2015, raising fears that coal would become another problem macroeconomic, such as oil whose large-scale imports weigh heavily on the current account. Coal imports have since slowed down – growth was only 6.7% for FY18, compared to 141 mt, compared to 145 mt in FY15. (Of course, in value terms, imports reached 1.38,477 billion rupees in FY14, compared to 1.04,507 million rupees in FY 2015.]

The current situation of low stocks at the head This is consistent with the scenario of low coal power plants, with cumulative fuel inventories at power stations reaching 10.3 mt as of November 5, which is sufficient to run the plants for an average of six days Coal India had forwarded 231 metric tons to the energy sector during the first half of year 19, an increase of about 10% over the previous year … during the first six months of the year. Fiscal year 19, CIL charged 202 rakes on average in the energy sector, registering growth of 9.6%.

The operationalization of the Tori-Balumath and Jharsugda-Sardega railway lines – essential for the transport of coal – also contributed to lower inventories, according to CIL officials. – FE

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