Coming Soon, Punishment in Theaters on MRP- The New Indian Express


By: Express News Service

HYDERABAD: The State Department of Legal Metrology will conduct a special raid in the cinemas and multiplexes of Greater Hyderabad and the HMDA area on August 2. and 3, aiming at strict enforcement of its directive to sell packaged items such as soft drinks and mineral water only at their maximum retail price (MRP), as of 1 August.

On August 4 and 5, the raids would be conducted

On July 17, Akun Sabharwal, controller of legal metrology, issued the above-mentioned directive, adding that items sold in lost containers should be equipped with the following: stickers with mandatory display of tariff and measurement.

meeting held on Sunday, Sabharwal instructed officials to ensure that the new rules are followed regularly from 1 August. The rate should be the same in theaters, as are on the open market. If someone is surprised to sell at a price higher than the MRP, in violation of the Weights and Measures Act, he will have to pay 25,000 rupees to 1 million rupees in fine, said Akun Sabharwal [19659006]. According to the Consumer Law, invoices must be issued to customers for every purchase and it is the responsibility of each owner of movie theaters and movie houses to ensure that bills are issued. Popcorn, ice cream, cold drinks and other foods that are sold in bulk in containers must bear the weight, quantity, date of manufacture, expiry date and MRP. Until September 1, stickers can be used

Weights and Measures Act
If one catches items sold at a higher price than the MRP, one can be fined from 25,000 to 1 lakh. Repeat offenders may be sentenced to imprisonment.

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