Customize your car: Tata Motors allows buyers to design their Harrier SUVs


Tata Motors will soon switch to "Do it Yourself" (DIY) mode as a commercial strategy with the launch of Harrier, a five-seater sport utility vehicle.

As part of the plan, a digital configurator with a three-dimensional graphical front-end application will allow customers to choose the powertrain, brakes, suspension types, seat configuration, vehicle kits, and other equipment. additions and align. the output generated by the tool to the main production line and supply chain of the company, in order to produce the specific order.

DIY will also straddle its core truck business allowing buyers to configure the vehicle of their choice. Given the high number of variations and multiple needs of the trucking industry, the technology can be extremely helpful in reducing time to market, improving efficiency and creating differentiation, Rajendra said. Petkar, director of technology at Tata Motors. in an interview.

The Harrier, whose launch is scheduled for the first quarter of next fiscal year, will be the inauguration of Omega architecture. The modular nature of the platform will not only help Tata Motors launch several models of the same platform with a large number of common parts, but will also allow its buyers to make a choice that goes beyond color, padding whistles, said Petkar.

"This will be a big step forward in customization offering, and a first for car buyers in India." The tool will help the company significantly reduce the turnaround time. market its products and improve operational efficiency and reduce costs, "he added.

Generally, when people talk about modular architecture, they refer to the back -end, he said. "Here I am talking about front-end, both Omega and Alpha (the platform architecture for cars) will allow buyers to configure their own models," said Petkar.

Designed in-house by the engineering team of Tata Motors, the configuration tool developed over a year and a half, once operational, will be part of the. Tata Motors' existing eGuru app that is compatible on all iOS, Android and Windows laptops as part of TML Super-app.

The Nexon, the company's offer of less than four meters in the SUV segment, also allows buyers to configure, but the customization is limited to the choice of color and accessories. Therefore, the configurator for the Harrier and other models of the same platform will be a significant step-up, that of the Nexon, Petkar said.

Customize Your Vehicle

When a customer shows up at the dealership, a sales representative takes him through the options available on the devices, along with a configuration ID unique badigned for customer identification. The options and variants selected by the customer with the configuration ID will be loaded into the Tata Motors customer relationship management system for further processing of orders and payments. Data will be uploaded to the SAP TML system for production, and internal tracking, until the vehicle is delivered to the customer.

Customize Your Car

As part of the plan, a digital configurator will allow customers to choose powertrain, brakes, suspension types, seating configuration, add-on kits , among others

The DIY will also ride to its basic truck business allowing buyers to configure the vehicle of their choice

Harrier will be the inaugural offering based on so-called architecture Omega

The modular nature of the platform will allow buyers to make a choice that goes beyond color, upholstery, interiors and other functions. f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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