Cycling UK reveals the best statistics for the & # 39; Women's Cycling Festival & # 39;


More than 1,000 women cycling to kick off the Women's Cycling Festival

More than 43% of women cyclists would happily abandon television, gym or World Cup football According to a study by the national cycling charity organization Cycling UK

the survey also found that 11% of them quit alcohol, 8% gave up their purchases and 2% I would give up going out with friends before giving up the bike.

Six women interviewed even said that they would rather give up their partner or family than their bike.

The charity interviews more than 1,000 women who ride a bike. Launch of its Women 's Cycling Festival, a whole month of rides and events for women to be launched this week.

The survey also revealed some of the main reasons why women chose to ride a bike, such as health and fitness. of Freedom and their Mental Healing

Julie Rand, coordinator of Cycling UK at the Women's Cycling Festival, said: "Too often, we hear the reasons why women do not ride bikes, but that's not the case. is a fact that thousands of women are enjoying the benefits of going out "It is encouraging to see that although more than 31% of the women we interviewed do regular exercise and fitness, a large number of Among them answered that they were cycling just for the feeling of freedom that they had "The benefits of cycling, especially for women, should not be underestimated," she said. that's why we want to attract more women to their territory. motorcycles. "

(Photo courtesy of the people of Café Du Cycliste)

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