Daily love horoscopes for today, Sunday, May 5, 2019 for all zodiac signs in astrology


The end of an era opens the door to a new one, but it will take time. Be patient.

The daily love prediction of your zodiacal sign is here for today, Sunday, May 5, 2019. Love can always find a way, but as we see it with the l '# 39; planetary energy this month and the new lunar phase, it takes time.

RELATED: Daily Tarot Reading + Numerical Horoscope of Sunday, May 5, 2019 for All Signs of the Zodiac

The message sent by the Moon, the Sun and Uranus in Taurus is slow and steady, it wins the race the truth applies well to love. Fast love rarely lasts. The roots of love are stronger in friendships. Be a friend for yourself, and a friend for someone you would like to live all his life.

While the Sun remains in Taurus until May 19, equipped with energy powered by a slow Uranus at the same time, there is a chaotic energy. . It's important to know that you have to do things differently.

What motivates and motivates the most? Desire, which is represented by the placement of Mars in Gemini. Mars is currently opposed to Jupiter, who is retrograde, making it the perfect time to reflect on what luck and love are for you deep inside you.

Mars in Gemini can stir up anger. You may feel frustrated with certain things. Maybe the past makes you angry, or maybe a present situation. You may want a strategy without knowing where to find one. But that's not a bad thing, it's a matter of motivation to get you to change the way you do what you do now and apply a new kind of energy in the future.

RELATED: Daily Horoscopes of Sunday, May 5, 2019, for each sign of the zodiac

Mars is in a difficult situation with Neptune, the planet of dreams and illusions. You can see the lies that you have believed and learn to reject them. Some myths are not even worth fighting anymore. It is better to move and reprogram your mind to believe something else.

There is negative energy pbading through the retrograde quadrature of Pluto and Saturn with Mars. This can create self-doubt, but it's okay. You are free to recreate your self-belief. Yes, this has to do with self-love.

With Venus and Mercury working in harmony with Mars, these changes are progressing faster than usual, but that does not mean you have to rush to do anything. It means walking, planning and being patient. Good things happen to those who wait and those who arrive last … end.

Here is the horoscope of your tarot card and zodiac sign of today, Sunday, May 5, 2019.

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

Tarot : The Hermit

It's time to lead a balanced life with respect to relationships and love. You become more like yourself when you learn to respect yourself as you show others.

Do not expect to feel motivated by what someone does for you. instead, drive with your heart.

TAURUS (20 April – 20 May)

Tarot Card: Strength

All you need is inside of you and when you feel like you you have nothing to give, the answer is yes. you do.

Your sensitivity allows you to better understand others than most people because you have studied your own desires and fears.

RELATED: Ultimate Compatibility Guide with Taurus: Understanding Love and Relationships

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

Tarot Card: The Hierophant

When You're Used to Giving you also want your generosity to benefit from your good.

This is not selfish, it is the law of kindness in action. Soon, a special joy will fill your heart and your day as a reward for making others happy.

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CANCER (21 June – 22 July) [19659014] Tarot card: the devil

Life will fall in place when you will find a way to overcome self-doubt.

The memories of the day before can come to your mind and make you stay stuck in the past, but rather to look ahead.

You have control and you have the courage to do what you have decided to do.

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LEO (July 23 – August 22)

Tarot Card: Death [19659005] Determination and fortune unite to set the tone and make sense of your love life. Today, working on her love life is not a waste of time. You can do things externally, by sharing time with a partner, or internally, by providing time that you can spend for yourself.

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VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

Tarot card: The magician

Take your own advice and let yourself see life as a strange and mysterious adventure on which you want to know more.

Read or watch movies about love and relationships. Become a student of love and romance.

The law of attraction brings you a particular kind of synergy between what you say and what you do.

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

Tarot Card: Lovers

Sometimes it's best to mix things up when it's about liking. You may find that you can let yourself go a little and benefit from letting others take care of you.

Your loved one might be preparing to earn something from another person, from a job or from a financial gift. It can help you too. Thank you.

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SCORPION (23 October – 21 November)

Tarot card: Five swords

Your love life is a reality to be full of Hope and happiness. Spend time with those people you find interesting and worthy of your love and your time.

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SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

Tarot Card: Three of the Swords

Share your desire for health and well-being with the person you care about. The love makes that the body and the heart feel good inside. Do loving and romantic things that enhance your vision and energy.

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CAPRICORN (22 December – 19 January)

Card of tarot: Five of cups [19659005] Happiness belongs to you, so why do not do things that make you smile? You can watch a romantic movie, read a romantic novel or buy flowers.

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AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

Tarot Card: King of Cups

You find pleasure in the work you do today and the heart is at home. When looking for ways to bring new meaning to your life, consider those who have helped you be who you are today. Parents, role models, grandparents, people in positions of authority who have taught you what you know today. Call and share your gratitude. It will warm a heart.

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

Tarot Card: The Hermit

Communicating your ideas and dreams to someone may seem just as right today. You may notice that you notice that other people are doing the same thing and want to participate in the party. Share positive and uplifting messages on social media and send love texts.

Aria Gmitter M.S., M.F.A., is a writer, astrologer and YourTango Zodiac editor & Horoscopes, which covers astrology and celestial events. It is live on YourTango's Facebook page on Tuesdays at 10:20 pm EST, reading tarot cards and answering questions about your zodiac sign. Follow her on YouTube.

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