Dakota Johnson's comments on his period are so valuable for these reasons


For those of us who have monthly rules, the whole process can sometimes seem a little tense. You may have terrible cramps, premenstrual syndrome or other side effects during your period. Indeed, reports indicate that about 90% of us suffer from side effects of PMS, according to Huffington Post . So, why does talking openly about periods still have a kind of stigma? Discussing menstruation in public seems particularly taboo for celebrities and spectators. That's why Dakota Johnson's recent comments on PMS are so vital.

The star of Fifty Shades recounted without fear his experience in a recent interview with InStyle in which she commented on the difficult problems she encountered every month at the Period of his time. She even explained how she could feel that her rules "ruined her life". Summer. The. "If I'm honest, my hormonal changes during my menstrual cycle ruin my life – every month is incredible," she told the publication. "It's really great, I can not control myself, I say," What? "Every time, I am totally outraged by what happens to my body and my brain."

The star also explained how being on his menses affected him. appearance of his body:

"My bads look like eight times their usual size.It's really traumatic, and this happens every month.I just can not get used to that." [19659005] And like many of us, Johnson revealed that she was constantly struggling against knowing how to help her symptoms with birth control.

"It is also very difficult to determine the type of birth control you are supposed to use and even if it is in good health."

Emma McIntyre / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images

The actress then explained that this was one of the reasons she had become a partisan of Global Citizen: Reproductive Education and wanted to fully "understand "and" honor "his body. Applaud to you, Dakota. Can we just take a break to take a moment to appreciate how valuable it can be for some to talk about what their time makes them feel. Too often, people suffer in silence and conversations like this help normalize the conversation about the rules.

Although rare, celebrities have already shared their experiences of menstruation without being embarrbaded to mention them socially. media. Janelle Monae tweeted the following in 2017:

And when it was welcomed, she wrote shamelessly:

Other stars, including Mindy Kaling, Katy Perry and Demi Lovato, also discussed of their periods. It is also culturally that we are finally able to work to end the shame of the period. Companies such as OHNE are proudly distributing products of the time, aimed at helping people in times of poverty and making us talk about menstruation without shame. Musicians such as musician Kiran Gandhi participate in moments of activism, like running the London Marathon while bleeding freely, while activist Cbad Clemmer has worked hard to raise awareness that "The Times do not are not just for women "under the hashtag #BleedingWhileTrans.

all these actions help to move the conversation forward.

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