Death by rage: doctors have failed to diagnose Brit's death after a cat bite


A coroner has learned today that medical experts who have treated a man dying of rabies after being bitten by a cat on vacation in Morocco, have learned today.

Full-time caregiver Omar Zouhri went to Stoke Mandeville Hospital. after pain and partial paralysis by hand but tests to diagnose rabies gave negative results.

The 58-year-old was referred to the Specialized Infectious Diseases Unit of the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford, where he died a few days later

M. Zouhri was on holiday in Morocco on August 30 after being bitten by a rabid cat and died several months after returning to the UK after the sudden and severe outbreak of symptoms, the coroner said the Oxford investigation .

Chief Coroner Darren Salter testified that on November 4, at the time of his death, experts from the Department of Infectious Diseases were unable to diagnose his condition, his condition being deteriorated.

Omar Zouhri photographed in Morocco on vacation

After more than two months without symptoms or embarrbadment, the investigation heard Mr. Zouhri, married and full-time married. career, self-admitted to Stoke Mandeville Hospital of Aylesbury, Bucks.

He had pain and paresthesia in his right hand – a tingling sensation that is usually felt in the hands and occurs without warning.

. Professionals in Stoke Mandeville suspected rabies but did not diagnose it after negative tests, despite symptoms and worsening of her condition.

million. Salter said during the investigation that Mr. Zouhri was transferred to the Infectious Diseases Department of John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford on November 1.

Omar Zouhri was informed by health authorities after his return from Africa

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The caregiver of Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, died at the hospital.

The coroner told investigators of the investigation at the Department of Infectious Diseases (IDD) that it was impossible for him to confirm the condition of his condition as long as his symptoms were severe. .

million. Salter said: "The initial report received by … first indicated that he had died Sunday, Nov. 4 at John Radcliffe Hospital as a result of a short illness. [19659011] "The doctors initially confirmed that the death and the identity of the relatives were confirmed at the time of his death.

"According to the first information received, a 58-year-old man traveled to Morocco in August 2018, where he was allegedly bitten by a cat around August 30.

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"He returned to the UK and presented himself at Stoke Mandeville Hospital with pain at the right hand and parenthesis. It was initially suspected that he was suffering from rabies, but all tests were negative.

He was transferred to the Department of Infectious Diseases on November 1st. -fatal examination that confirmed the cause of death as being rabies after a cat bite.

"Based on the initial bite and the cause of death of a cat and the disease in question, I consider that it is not natural death and an inquiry is necessary. "

The investigation was adjourned until next March.

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