Deaths from cardiovascular disease in rural areas: Study | health


While cardiovascular disease is the cause of more than a quarter of Indian deaths each year, in a counter-intuitive trend, the mortality rates of rural populations due to this disease have exceeded those of urban areas, according to a new study published Friday

The study titled "Divergent Trends in Ischemic Heart Disease and Stroke Mortality in India from 2000 to 2015: A Representative Scale-At-Scale Mortality Study" national ". Cardiovascular disease caused 2.1 million deaths in India in 2015, more than a quarter of the total. For people aged 30 to 69, nearly 70% of deaths were due to ischemic heart disease – caused by narrowing of the arteries, a condition that often results in fatal heart attacks.

For this age group, the probability of dying from this cause increased from 10.4% to 13.1% among men and from 4.8% to 6.6% among women. "Although mortality from ischemic heart disease at 30-69 years was lower in rural areas than in urban areas at the start of the study, rural rates increased rapidly, outperforming urban rates by the time 2015 in both bades ", 1965." The hypothesis is that urbanization leads to increasing rates of heart disease.But in fact, what we have shown is that it is the Rural areas of India that have had an increase in mortality from ischemic heart disease.In urban areas, it has been stable or there has been a slight decline.This suggests an important role for nonhealth hypertension. treated or diabetes under treatment, "said Prabhat Jha, director of the Center for Global Health Research at St Michael's Hospital in Toronto and senior author of the study.

This research is based on data of the Million Death Study, a large-scale exercise that is e N has been running in India since 2001 and has been conducted in collaboration with the Registrar General of India and the country's medical agencies.

Another significant finding is that young adults, especially those born after 1970, have the highest rate of death due to heart problems caused by narrowing of the arteries of the heart.

"As India grows, including in urban and rural areas, hypertension and diabetes have increased dramatically, but treatment of these has fallen behind. That could be what is at stake here, "said Jha.

The study also examined the prevalence of death from stroke and found that "the likelihood of dying from stroke decreased overall, but increased in the northeastern states of the United States. India, where a third of premature deaths occur. life of the population.

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