Decoded: Why depression affects sleep


Brain areas badociated with short-term memory, self-emotion, and negative emotions are related to depression that may cause patients to linger on bad thoughts and to experience bad feelings sleep quality, suggests a study. Percent of people with depression report significant levels of sleep disturbances, such as difficulty falling asleep and a short sleep – also known as insomnia.

People suffering from insomnia are also at a higher risk of developing depression and anxiety than those who sleep normally.

"The understanding we develop here is consistent with the areas of the brain involved in short-term memory, the self and the negative emotion being strongly related to depression, and that this leads to an increase in ruminant thoughts that are at least part of the mechanism that harms the quality of sleep, "said Jianfeng Feng, of the University of Warwick in Britain

. in the journal JAMA Psychiatry, the team examined the neural mechanisms underlying the relationship between depression and sleep quality in approximately 10,000 people

They found a strong link between the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex badociated with the short-term memory. – badociated with self – and lateral orbitofrontal cortex – badociated with negative emotion – in people with depression.

The nectivity between these regions of the brain provides a neural basis for how depression is related to poor sleep quality.

"These findings provide a neural basis for understanding how depression is badociated with poor sleep quality. improvement of sleep quality because of identified brain areas ", explains Feng


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