Democratic Republic of the Congo: More than 200 dead in the Ebola epidemic


The Ebola epidemic toll in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo has exceeded 200 deaths, the Health Ministry said Sunday.

The ministry reported that it had recorded 201 deaths from the virus and that 291 cases had been registered. confirmed since the beginning of the epidemic in August.

About half of the cases occurred in Beni, a town in North Kivu with 800,000 inhabitants.

The UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations on Friday called on armed groups active in the region not to hinder efforts to fight the disease. . The teams responsible for the response to the epidemic "have faced threats, physical badaults, repeated destruction of their equipment and kidnappings," said Minister of Health Oly Ilunga on Friday.

"Two of our colleagues in the fast-response medical unit have even lost their

The epidemic is the tenth largest in DR Congo since the detection of Ebola in that country in 1976.

Ebola is a serious infectious disease that can spread rapidly through small amounts of body fluids, causing internal bleeding and potentially death.From the beginning of the vaccination program, on August 8, more than 25,000 people have been cleared, announced the Department of Health earlier this month.

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