Diabetes causes 1 death every 6 seconds: here's what you can do against this complex disease


  Diabetes causes 1 death every 6 seconds

Diabetes causes 1 death every 6 seconds & nbsp | & nbspPhoto Photo: & nbspThinkstock

New Delhi: The world is beginning to realize the interplay of multiple interconnected external factors that exacerbate the rise in diabetes worldwide. Countries such as India and China may be a dangerously fertile ground for diabetes progression at an epidemic level. According to health experts, this results from the economic transitions that these countries observe over the next generations. A child born to a malnourished mother with low birth weight has an "economical phenotype". It tends to store fat, especially on ectopic sites such as liver and pancreas, when it is exposed to a high calorie environment because of its growing prosperity. This leads to diabetes.

Malnutrition is still widespread in India and will fuel this epidemic in the years to come. Data shows that the number of people with diabetes in India is expected to double by 2025, or 70 million. There is no autonomous solution to this problem. Dr. Beena Bansal, Director of Medanta's Department of Endocrinology and Diabetology, said Dr. Beena Bansal, Ph.D., to fight this diabetes epidemic. Read – 5 powerful ayurvedic medicines that lower blood sugar levels and increase weight loss by reducing belly fat

Explained: Types 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

We use the word a diabetes to represent type 2 diabetes. This is because type 2 diabetes is the type of common diabetes that affects 90 to 95% of diabetes cases. This is mainly because of insulin resistance. Lifestyle management plays an important role in the prevention and reduction of the disease. Of course, several clbades of drugs are available to treat this complex disease, which results from the dysfunction of several organs, including the pancreas, liver, kidneys, muscles, fats, brain and intestines. The drugs available to treat type 2 diabetes therefore act on these organs to manage glucose levels. Low-cost measures, such as exercise and healthy eating, prevent type 2 diabetes in millions of people at risk, while treatment costs can be prohibitive and complications diabetes can crush people and their families.

Approximately 5% of people with diabetes have type 1 diabetes, resulting from the autoimmune destruction of insulin-producing cells in the pancreas and affecting younger and thinner individuals, compared to diabetes mellitus. type 2. This type of diabetes requires insulin injections to survive. Type 1 diabetes is not yet preventable. People with type 1 diabetes are troubled that the word diabetes has become synonymous with type 2 diabetes, confusing the public and negatively impacting the Type 1 diabetes awareness campaign. Read – World Diabetes Day: The Impact of Diabetes on Your Fertility and Pregnancy

Type 2 Diabetes has become a global health care crisis. He is now living every six seconds. This despite the rapid progress of scientific knowledge in the management of diabetes with several new drugs on the market. However, according to Dr. Bansal, many people in India are still unaware of the consequences of diabetes. Many do not have access to information, care and treatment.

Knowledge in good hands can empower those who need it most. To reduce the impact of diabetes and protect ourselves, as well as future generations, knowledge needs to be pbaded on to people with diabetes, those at risk, and those who have the power to shape our environment. Our changing environment is to blame for our changing lifestyles with fewer opportunities to exercise and more temptations to indulge in energy-rich foods. Rebuilding this environment is a gigantic task that requires the support of multiple stakeholders.

How to Prevent or Reduce Your Risk of Diabetes

"The question is not to know what lifestyle measures are needed to prevent diabetes, but how to implement these lifestyle measures in a hectic life with traffic, pollution and consumerism. Long hours of sedentary work and long hours of driving leave little time and excitement for physical activity. Preaching a person the health benefits of exercise is not very effective in most cases. The food choices we make are influenced by our culture of offering food for every holiday. We do not know how to enjoy it, other than eating energy-rich foods. Our ads also play the role of Satan, drawing us to unhealthy foods like soft drinks. A cultural change needs a revolution and the seeds of this revolution need to be sown early in schools, in order to educate children about the causes and consequences of this deadly disease, "added Dr. Bansal.

Diabetes is a huge and growing burden – 387 million adults living with diabetes in 2014, this number is expected to reach about 600 million people by 2035.

  • A way of life healthy could prevent up to 70% of cases of type 2 diabetes, and a healthy diet could help reduce the risks. [19659015] A healthy diet consisting of leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains, lean meat, sugar-free yogurt and nuts can help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and reduce complications in diabetics.
  • Type 1 diabetes. Although type 1 diabetes can not yet be avoided, a healthy lifestyle is an important part of an effective management of the disease.

It is essential to encourage healthy eating habits in young children to stem the rise of the diabetes epidemic. By ensuring the health of future generations, we are acting for sustainable development.

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