TORONTO: Scientists Combined Radar and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technologies to Detect Changes in Glucose Levels, a Breakthrough that Can Help Diabetics Monitor Blood Glucose Without Painful Stings Multiple Times per day.
The research involves collaboration with Google and the German computer hardware company Infineon, which jointly developed a small radar camera and asked the opinion of selected teams around the world about potential applications.
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"We want to detect blood in the body without having to draw liquid, hope that it can be achieved as a smart glucose monitoring" said George Shaker. an engineering professor at the University of Waterloo in Canada.
The Waterloo system uses the radar device to send high frequency radio waves into liquids containing various glucose levels and to receive reflected radio waves.
The reflected wave information is then converted to digital data for badysis by automatic learning algorithms developed by the researchers.
The software is able to detect glucose changes based on more than 500 characteristics or wave characteristics, including the time it takes them to bounce off the device.
Early tests conducted on volunteers from the Waterloo Institute for Research on Aging have yielded 85% results as accurate as traditional invasive blood testing.
"The correlation was really amazing, we showed that it is possible to use the radar to look in the blood to detect changes," Shaker said.
The next steps are to refine the system to accurately quantify glucose levels and obtain results through the skin, which complicates the process.
Researchers are also working with Infineon to shrink the radar device so that it is both low-cost and low-power.
Data badyzed by AI algorithms is now sent wirelessly to computers, but the ultimate goal is a standalone technology similar to smartwatches that monitor heart rate.
"I hope we will see a wearable device on the market in the next five years, there are challenges, but the research has proceeded at a very good pace," said Shaker.
Diabetes Food Check: Eat apples and avocados, Junk most things …
Food Matters
May 18, 2018
The life you lead and the food you eat are two important factors to diabetes. Both play a role for those who are already fighting and for those who remain vulnerable.
Whole foods that are not processed should always be on the menu. But do not forget that some items need to be away from the dining table if you want to avoid diabetes.
In addition, avoid special diets and respect what you do at home. Just follow the basic rules like keeping a constant number of calories during meals.
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