Diabetes mellitus: Suffering from type 2 diabetes? You are at higher risk for lung disease


LONDON: People with type 2 diabetes may be at greater risk of developing restrictive lung disease (RLD) characterized by shortness of breath than non-diabetic patients, a study revealed.

"Increased shortness of breath, RLD, and interstitial lung abnormalities may be badociated with type 2 diabetes," said lead author Stefan Kopf of the Heidelberg University Hospital in Germany.

Read also: The Complete Guide to Diabetes

Previous results from animal experiments also show an important link between restrictive lung disease and diabetes mellitus.

"So we suspect that lung disease is a late consequence of type 2 diabetes," said Peter P. Nawroth, a professor at the university.

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The study also showed that RLD is badociated with albuminuria – a condition where urinary albumin levels are elevated. This may be an indication that lung disease and kidney disease may be badociated with nephropathy – a diabetic kidney disease.

For the study, published in the journal Respiration, the team badyzed data from 110 patients with long-term type 2 diabetes, 29 patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes, 68 pre-diabetic patients and 48 non-diabetic patients, who were the controls.

Participants were screened for metabolic control, diabetes-related complications, shortness of breath and lung function.

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Food Matters

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The life you lead and the food you eat are two important factors to diabetes. Both play a role for those who are already fighting and for those who remain vulnerable.

Whole foods that are not processed should always be on the menu. But do not forget that some items need to be away from the dining table if you want to avoid diabetes.

In addition, avoid special diets and respect what you do at home. Just follow the basic rules like keeping a constant number of calories during meals

The results showed that RLD was found in 27% of patients with long-term type 2 diabetes, 20% in patients with newly diagnosed diabetes and 9% in pre-diabetic patients.

In addition, patients with pronounced symptoms and RLD also showed CT-morphologically, a fibrosing interstitial lung disease.

Diabetics also had increased pulmonary fibrosis – a condition where the air sac in the lung becomes stiff and marked.

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Food for Diabetics

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While being active, staying hydrated and checking blood glucose levels can work wonders, it's important to stick to a diet plan that will prevent diabetes in the long run.

A recent study has shown that antioxidant-rich nuts can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by almost half.
For patients, the ideal diabetic diet plan would be to have 1200-1600 calories a day. It is recommended that diabetics eat good carbohydrates, fats and healthy proteins, but in small portions.

ETPanache has contacted doctors and dieticians to provide you with the ultimate list of foods you need to eat to stay healthy.

Read also: The Complete Guide to Diabetes

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